Some Old Landslide Scarps in the Philippines

BRIEF NOTE: These old landslide scarps have been digitized as Points and Polygons from satellite imagery using JOSM and stored in OpenStreetMap. Since it is not a standard OpenStreetMap layer, it is not visible in the generic OpenStreetMap display. It can however be viewed in JOSM and can be queried/downloaded using (use the query wizard to query hazard_type = landslide, Export to download the file as GeoJSON, GPX, KML or raw OSM data). I digitised the data when I was doing my MSc in Remote Sensing in 2008 :). This landslide scarp data is open and can be updated by contributing to OpenStreetMap via JOSM and adding the tag hazard_type = landslide. Contributing can help grow the data and aid future research. For errors/comments/questions, please email: Download this data