PhD, Computer Science

Compiled by: Julius Bañgate
First Release: March 1, 2023
Updated: March 17, 2023


This is a long list of some of the online materials (video, tutorials, pages) on the GAMA platform.


  1. Cool Intro/Trailers

    1. Demonstration of some of the features of the GAMA Platform by gamaplatform
    2. Gama Platform 1.6 Trailer. Agent-based simulation platform
    3. URBAMobility (Long Version)
    4. URBAMobility - Gama 1.8 Platform Cooper Hewitt Prototype
    5. Game it
    6. CityScope Champs Elysées - Pavillon de l'Arsenal - PCA-Stream - MIT Media Lab - CityScience
    7. UrbanSwarms: A new approach for autonomous cities - MIT Media Lab
    8. A tangible city simulator: CityScope Lyon - MIT Media Lab - CityScience - EUL - Labex IMU - UdL
    9. Proxymix: Influence of spatial configuration on human collaboration
    10. Model of the evacuation of the Station Nightclub fire using BDI agents

  2. GAMA Platform

    1. Home - landing page

    2. Videos - featured videos

      1. Model of the evacuation of the Station Nightclub fire using BDI agents
      2. An example of the new possibilities of Gama 1.7 : BIM models importation !
      3. ABM multi-level modeling
      4. SIR Agent-Based Model with different display
      5. Synthetic dynamical social graph
      6. Agent Based Visualization: interaction between agent
      7. South East Dengue Data Timelapse Visualization
      8. Agent-Based Visualization Processus
      9. South East Dengue Data Spacetime Visualization
      10. Epidemic detection on Dengue Data
      11. Agent-Based L-System
      12. Aggregated boids
      13. MODAVI: Multi Scale Online Data Analysis and Visualization
      14. Gama camera arcball and freefly demo
      15. DENSEAT: Dengue South East Asia Timing
      16. Agent Based Visualization: tyding up algorithm on GIS data
      17. Bubble sort 3D algorithm animation
      18. Mitchell’s best-candidate algorithm animation in Gama Platform
      19. Agent-Based Visualization : Abstract - Analysis - Control
      20. Archem Project - Gama 1.6.1 - Agent Based Visualization
      21. SIR Augmented
      22. Gama: Dynamic diffuse light
      23. Archives project
      24. Gama: Multiply the point of view using different display and dynamic camera parameters
      25. Procedural city
      26. Tuto3D model3
      27. Tuto3D model2
      28. Demonstration of the new GAMA driving skill
      29. Gama tutorial PRIMA 2013
      30. Gama Platform 1.6 Trailer. Agent-based simulation platform

    3. Streams - contains video of sessions from the Gama Days 2021

    4. Playlist

      1. GamaDays 2021

      2. Covid 19

        1. Simulation of containment measures against CoVid19 using GAMA
        2. Side by side simulation of CoVid19 propagation in two case studies
        3. Comparing the impacts of different proportions of people wearing masks
        4. Effect of different levels of tolerance in the implementation of lockdown
        5. Inter-human and environmental transmissions
        6. Impact of a realistic home containment policy
        7. Impact of the duration of the lockdown on the peak of the epidemics
        8. 5 minutes tutorial to create a complete case study in COMOKIT

      3. Examples

      4. Journées de Tam Dao - Những ngày Tam Đảo - Tam Dao Days

        1. Journées de Tam Dao - Những ngày Tam Đảo - Tam Dao Days 2017 LIVE - Session 1
        2. Journées de Tam Dao - Những ngày Tam Đảo - Tam Dao Days 2017 LIVE - Session 2
        3. Journées de Tam Dao - Những ngày Tam Đảo - Tam Dao Days 2017 LIVE - Session 3
        4. Journées de Tam Dao - Những ngày Tam Đảo - Tam Dao Days 2017 LIVE - Session 4
        5. Journées de Tam Dao - Những ngày Tam Đảo - Tam Dao Days 2017 LIVE - Session 8
        6. Journées de Tam Dao - Những ngày Tam Đảo - Tam Dao Days 2017 LIVE - Présentation des Projets
        7. Diffusion en direct de l'Atelier 3 des Journées de Tam Dao - Groupes

    5. GAMA Days

      1. GAMA Days 2022 Program, with links to sessions
      2. GamaDays 2021 - Keynote 1 - Alexis Drogoul: GAMA: 14 years and counting
      3. GamaDays 2021 - Keynote 2 - Can we trust models?
      4. Agent-based simulation challenges – A. Crooks, A. Drogoul, A. Grignard – moderator: P. Taillandier
      5. GamaDays 2021 - Session 1, 2, 3
      6. GamaDays 2021 - Sessions 4, 5, 6, 7
      7. GamaDays 2021 - Session 8, 9, 10
      8. GamaDays 2021 - Sessions 11, 12, 13
      9. GamaDays 2021 - Sessions 14, 15, 16
      10. GamaDays 2021 - Session 17, 18, 19

    6. GAMA Platform github

    7. GAMA Platform WIKI-Documentation

      1. Learn GAML Step by Step

        1. Introduction
        2. Manipulate basic species
        3. Global species
        4. Defining species
        5. Defining GUI Experiment
        6. Exploring Models
          1. Run Several Simulations
          2. Defining Batch Experiments
          3. Exploration Calibration Methods
        7. Optimising models
        8. Multi Paradigm Modelling

      2. Recipes

        1. Manipulate OSM Data
        2. Implementing Diffusion
        3. Using Database Access
        4. Using FIPA ACL
        5. Using BEN Simple BDI
        6. Advanced Driving Skill
        7. Manipulate Dates
        8. Manipulating Light
        9. Using CoModel
        10. Save and restore simulations
        11. Using Network
        12. Headless mode for dummies
        13. Writing Unit Tests in GAML
        14. Going further with extensions
          1. Calling R from GAMA models
          2. The Graphical Editor
          3. Using Git from GAMA model to version and share models

      3. Developing GAMA

        1. GAMA Architecture
        2. Introduction to GAMA Java API
        3. Developing Extensions
          1. Developing Plugins
          2. Developing Skills
          3. Developing Statements
          4. Developing Operators
          5. Developing Types
          6. Developing Species
          7. Developing Control Architectures
          8. Index of Annotations
        4. Produce your own release of GAMA
        5. Generation of the Documentation

      4. Projects using GAMA
      5. Scientific References, Papers, HDRs, PhD Thesis

    8. Tutorials

      1. Predator Prey
      2. Road Traffic
      3. 3D Tutorial
      4. Incremental Model
      5. Lunary's Flu
      6. BDI Agents

    9. Some Teaching Materials - includes lectures, pdfs, sample code for teaching GAMA
    10. GAMA Code Examples - index of gaml code that are on the GAMA install (by Julius Bangate)
    11. Exhaustive list of GAMA Keywords
    12. Operators by Categories

  3. YOUTUBE Channels

    1. Srirama Bhamidipati

      1. Streams- Contains GAMA live session tutorials

        1. Agent Based Modeling with GAMA Platform
        2. Day 1- Part 1- Agent Based Modeling with GAMA Platform (updated July 2020)
        3. Agent Based Modeling with GAMA Platform (Day2: Guest Prof Arend Ligtenberg)
        4. Agent Based Modeling with GAMA Platform (Scheduler, OSM)
        5. Agent Based Modeling with GAMA Platform 2
        6. Agent Based Modeling with GAMA Platform (charts, MAIA)
        7. Agent Based Modeling with GAMA Platform, Grid Modelling
        8. Agent Based Modeling with GAMA Platform, Schelling Model
        9. Agent Based Modeling with GAMA Platform, Schelling Model 2 (You can ask questions in comments July 2020)
        10. Agent Based Modeling with GAMA Platform, Schelling, GIS
        11. Srirama Bhamidipati GAMA Live Stream 1/2

      2. Videos

        1. GAMA IDW Inverse Distance Weight Surface

      3. Playlists- Contains several playlists of GAMA live session/tutorials

        1. GAMA Interface (3 videos)

          1. Interactive Console in GAMA, GAMA Platform for Agent Based Modeling
          2. Search Options inside GAMA Editor - GAMA Platform for Agent Based Modeling
          3. Version Control in GAMA for non-git users: GAMA Platform
          4. 20 Chart facets in GAMA platform for Agent Based Modeling

        2. GAMA + R (4 videos)

          1. Instructions to Connect R to GAMA on a windows 10 machine, GAMA Platform
          2. Interacting with R in GAMA - gama-platform for Agent Based Modeling
          3. R examples in GAMA -- gama-platform for Agent Based Modeling
          4. Rplots in GAMA gama-platform for Agent Based Modeling

        3. GAMA Extras

          1. GAMA Manual -- in a new format for desktop and mobile devices
          2. Using markdown with GAMA 'standalone' to write model descriptions for Agent Based Modeling
          3. Using GAMA 'standalone' with GitHub for Agent Based Modeling

    2. Patrick Taillandier

      1. Patrick Taillandier, un modèle de modélisateur
      2. Soutenance d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de Patrick Taillandier
      3. MGM GAMA 1 Presentation of GAMA
      4. MGM GAMA 2 Running a simulation
      5. MGM GAMA 3 Definition of a simple SI model
      6. MGM GAMA 4 Definition of monitors and charts
      7. MGM GAMA 5 Integration of GIS data and graphs
      8. MGM GAMA 6 Definition of 3D displays
      9. MGM GAMA 7 Parameter space exploration
      10. MIRO Project
      11. Simulation of the traffic in the city of Rouen (France)
      12. Diffusion LWR Le Havre
      13. Diffusion Agent Le Havre
      14. Diffusion LWR Man
      15. Diffusion Agent Man

    3. Arnaud Grignard

      1. Arnaud Grignard, City Science, Overview by MIT Lab
      2. #6 Conférence d’Arnaud Grignard « Simulation participative tangible (Septembre 2021)by Labex IMU
      3. CityScope Champs Elysées - Pavillon de l'Arsenal - PCA-Stream - MIT Media Lab - CityScience
      4. A tangible city simulator: CityScope Lyon - MIT Media Lab - CityScience - EUL - Labex IMU - UdL
      5. How MIT Builds Cities Using Lego and Augmented Reality | Science of Teams | WIRED
      6. CityScope Hanoi: Water Management in the Red River
      7. Andorra CityScope Data Observatory - MIT Media Lab - CityScience
      8. Andorra CityScope Deployment - June 2017 - MIT Media Lab - Changing Places
      9. Andorra CityScope RNC data visualization - MIT Media Lab
      10. CityScope Andorra: A multi-level interactive and tangible agent-based visualization - MIT Media Lab
      11. CityScope Volpe ABM model - MIT Media Lab CityScience
      12. THE ROAD AHEAD: REIMAGINING MOBILITY - The making of CityScope Cooper Hewitt
      13. URBAMobility - Gama 1.8 Platform Cooper Hewitt Prototype
      14. Proxymix: Influence of spatial configuration on human collaboration
      15. UrbanSwarms: A new approach for autonomous cities - MIT Media Lab
      16. Game it
      17. An agent based approach to a multi Employer Housing Market Simulation
      18. URBAMobility (Long Version)
      19. r_adiohead_10kandOK - Radiohead - Agent Based Visualization - Gama 1.8 - MIT Media Lab

    4. Edouard A.

      1. GAMAVI demo (july 1, 2010)

    5. Pierrick Tranouez

      1. Saumur: Levee break
      2. Rouen trafic modelling in ESCAPE
      3. MOSAIIC
      4. From MOSAIIC to ESCAPE

    6. Carole Adam

      1. Séminaire de Carole ADAM - Simulation interactive pour la gestion de crise,Webinaire du GT Jeux du GDR IA, le 29 avril 2021
      2. Carole Adam GAMA Simulations, SWIFT Project
      3. SMART Seminar Series: Presented by Dr Carole Adam SMART Infrastructure Facility

    7. Rouba Iskandar- Agent based simulation in GAMA- Earthquake pedestrian evacuation in a city

      1. Rouba Iskandar - Simulation of seismic crisis

    8. Julius Bañgate

      1. Multi agent modelling of Seismic Crisis Philgeos 2012 Conference (presentation @1:30:41)
      2. PorterrSIM, Multi Agent Modelling of Logistics Flows in the Seine Maritime Axis, The Case of the Automotive Sector, Date: 2021-10-11
      3. Debugging social behaviour (GAMA experiment, 2017)
      4. Social Attachment for Crisis Evacuation (SOLACE) Demo 1-1,Earthquake Evacuation
      5. Multi agent modelling of seismic crisis, Earthquake Evacuation
      6. 3D Visualisation (City)

    9. Lyuba Mancheva

      1. Simulation of bush fire evacuation with AI
      2. Trafic simulation in Grenoble city

    10. Thibaut Demare

      1. Freight Simulation in a Dynamic Multi-Modal transportation Network
      2. Simulation of a Logistic System: Traffic Evolution in a Dynamic Network
      3. Effect of Port Attractivity on Goods traffic Thanks to the Simulation of a Logistic System
      4. Comparing the effects of two restock strategies on stock shortages

    11. Agent Based

      1. Agent-based model of multi-drone, multi-operator surveillance system in GAMA

    12. Jonatan Almagor

      1. Agent-based model of children's physical activity in an urban environment
      2. Agent-based model of the spread of infectious disease in a hospital


    1. Introduction to GAMA tutorial serie by ZEnMo Simulations
    2. GAMA Platform Simulation Multi agent by TutorielGeo, GIS Center
    3. 10 Minute tutorial GAMA Platform - by GAMA Platform
    4. Gama tutorial PRIMA 2013


    1. A simulation of herding dogs with GAMA-Platform
    2. Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) of Crime Incidence?s BY S.Amerudin
    3. RECH ERCHE#1 : simulation d'un éco-quartier sous GAMA by Smart Energies
    4. Agent-based model of multi-drone, multi-operator surveillance system in GAMA by Agent Based
    5. Model of the evacuation of the Station Nightclub fire using BDI agents


    1. Covid19, COMOKIT
    2. Supporting Climate Change Adaptation Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction with Models: the case of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta by Alexis Drogoul
    3. Table ronde: Développement urbain & Nouveaux risques (2022) by Phápfrvn
    4. AWP 2019 - Using Simulations to Design Evacuation Strategies in Case of Flooding (Alexis Drogoul) WANASEA Official
    5. AWP 2018 - Some Examples about Environmental and Social Challenges - Alexis Drogoul, IRD- WANASEA Official
    6. Preventing flood risk with decision algorithms, IRIT
    7. LittoSIM : Plateforme de simulation participative - La Rochelle Université
    8. [Best of] Fiabilité de la modélisation et des outils de simulations participatifs lab recherche environnement VINCI ParisTech
    9. Benoit Gaudou : Simulations tangibles et interactives: exemples de projets SMAC IRIT
    10. J.Dugdale (LIG), E.Beck (Pacte), C.Adam (LIG), Multi-agent simulation approach in crisis management.
    11. Modélisation à base d'agents, explorer les futurs possibles - IRD
    12. Modelling dynamic adaptation strategies in the Mekong delta-AFD
    13. Social Simulation Week 2020: Workshop on Simulation in the times of COVID-19, 16 September 2020 - Behave Lab, Unimi
    14. HoanKiemAir Project


    1. Human behaviour modelling and simulation for crisis management, Carole Adam - ExtensionExa
    2. Arnaud Grignard, City Science
    3. Article CityScope Andorra Data Observatory: An Agent-Based Visualization on tourism patterns
    4. https://www.media.mit.edu/articles/cityscope-andorra-data-observatory-an-agent-based-visualization-on-tourism-patterns/
    5. Prévenir le risque d’inondation grâce aux algorithmes de décision at IRIT
    6. LittoSIM : Plateforme de simulation participativeLa Rochelle Université
    7. Journées REFMAR 2019 1er jour 07 Nicolas Becu CNRS LIENSs - REFMARshom
    8. Agent-based modelling with the GAMA platform, How do these guys simulate the spread of COVID-19?
    9. Multi agent modelling and simulation by jmbangate
    10. CNRS News, Modeling the Panic Moment 03.02.2018, by Fui Lee Luk