* Name: MovingAgents
* Author: drogoul
* Description: Shows how to move agents using two event layers : 
* Click to grab an group of agents, click again to drop them. Press the keys "r" to kill the agents in the selection, and "c" to duplicate them.
* Tags: gui
model MovingAgents

	list moved_agents ;
	geometry shape <- square(1000);
	point target;
	geometry zone <- circle(100);
	bool can_drop;
		create being number: 100;

	action kill 
		ask moved_agents
			do die;

		moved_agents <- list([]);

	action duplicate 
		geometry available_space <- (zone at_location target) - (union(moved_agents) + 10);
		create being number: length(moved_agents) with: (location: any_location_in(available_space));

	action click 
		if (empty(moved_agents))
			list selected_agents <- being inside (zone at_location #user_location);
			moved_agents <- selected_agents;
			ask selected_agents
				difference <- #user_location - location;
				color <- # olive;

		} else if (can_drop)
			ask moved_agents
				color <- # burlywood;

			moved_agents <- list([]);


	action move 
		can_drop <- true;
		target <- #user_location;
		list other_agents <- (being inside (zone at_location #user_location)) - moved_agents;
		geometry occupied <- geometry(other_agents);
		ask moved_agents
			location <- #user_location - difference;
			if (occupied intersects self)
				color <- # red;
				can_drop <- false;
			} else
				color <- # olive;




species being skills: [moving]
	geometry shape <- square(10);
	point difference <- { 0, 0 };
	rgb color <- # burlywood;
	reflex r
		if (!(moved_agents contains self))
			do wander amplitude: 30.0;


	aspect default
		draw shape color: color at: location;


experiment "Click and Move" type: gui
	font regular <- font("Helvetica", 14, # bold);
		display "Click and Move [OPENGL]" type: opengl
			graphics "Empty target" 
				if (empty(moved_agents))
					draw zone at: target wireframe: false border: false color: #wheat;


			species being;
			event mouse_move action: move;
			event mouse_up action: click;
			event 'r' action: kill;
			event 'c' action: duplicate;
			graphics "Full target" 
				int size <- length(moved_agents);
				if (size > 0)
					rgb c1 <- rgb(#darkseagreen, 120);
					rgb c2 <- rgb(#firebrick, 120);
					draw zone at: target wireframe: false border: false color: (can_drop ? c1 : c2);
					draw string(size) at: target + { -30, -30 } font: regular color: # white;
					draw "'r': remove" at: target + { -30, 0 } font: regular color: # white;
					draw "'c': copy" at: target + { -30, 30 } font: regular color: # white;


		display "Click and Move [JAVA2D]" type: java2D
			graphics "Empty target" 
				if (empty(moved_agents))
					draw zone at: target wireframe: false border: false color: #wheat;


			species being;
			event mouse_move action: move;
			event mouse_up action: click;
			event 'r' action: kill;
			event 'c' action: duplicate;
			graphics "Full target" 
				int size <- length(moved_agents);
				if (size > 0)
					rgb c1 <- rgb(#darkseagreen, 120);
					rgb c2 <- rgb(#firebrick, 120);
					draw zone at: target wireframe: false border: false color: (can_drop ? c1 : c2);
					draw string(size) at: target + { -30, -30 } font: regular color: # white;
					draw "'r': remove" at: target + { -30, 0 } font: regular color: # white;
					draw "'c': copy" at: target + { -30, 30 } font: regular color: # white;


