* Name: Event Feature
* Author: Arnaud Grignard & Patrick Taillandier & Jean-Daniel Zucker
* Description: Model which shows how to use the event layer to trigger an action according to an event occuring in the display. The experiment 
* has two displays : one for the changing color event, one for the changing shape event.
* Tags: gui
model event_layer_model


//number of agents to create
	int nbAgent <- 200;
	int radius <- 10;
	dummy pointClicked;

	init {
	//creation of the agents
		create cell number: nbAgent
			colour <- #darkgreen;
       create dummy number:1 returns: temp with: [dummyRadius :: radius];
       pointClicked <- first(temp);

	//Action to change the color of the agents, according to the point to know which agents we're in intersection with the point
	action change_color 

	//change the color of the agents
		list selected_agents <- cell overlapping (circle(10) at_location #user_location);
		ask selected_agents
			colour <- colour = #lightgreen ? #darkgreen : #lightgreen;


	action draw_clicked_area_in_view_color
		pointClicked.location <- #user_location;
		pointClicked.visibleViewColor <- true;
	action draw_clicked_area_in_view_shape
		pointClicked.location <- #user_location;
		pointClicked.visibleViewShape <- true;

	action hide_clicked_area
		pointClicked.visibleViewColor <- false;
		pointClicked.visibleViewShape <- false;

	//Action to change the shape of the agents, according to the point to know which agents we're in intersection with the point
	action change_shape 
		list selected_agents <- cell overlapping (circle(radius) at_location #user_location);
		ask selected_agents

		//change the bool attribute is_square to change the shape in the display
			is_square <- not (is_square);



//Species cells moving randomly
species cell skills: [moving]
	rgb colour;
	bool is_square <- false;
	reflex mm
		do wander amplitude: 30.0;

	aspect default
		draw is_square ? square(2) : circle(1) color: colour;


species dummy  {
	int dummyRadius <- 10;
	bool visibleViewColor <- false;
	bool visibleViewShape <- false;
	aspect aspect4ViewChangeColor {
		if visibleViewColor {draw circle(radius) color: #grey;}
	aspect aspect4ViewChangeShape {
		if visibleViewShape {draw circle(radius) color: #grey;}

experiment Displays type: gui
	parameter "Radius of selection" var: radius ;	// The radius of the disk around the click 
		layout horizontal([0::5000,1::5000]) tabs:true editors: false;
		display View_change_color
			species cell;
			species dummy transparency:0.9 aspect: aspect4ViewChangeColor ;
			// event, launches the action change_color if the event mouse_down (ie. the user clicks on the layer event) is triggered
			// the action can be either in the experiment or in the global section. If it is defined in both, the one in the experiment will be chosen in priority
			event mouse_down action: change_color;
			event mouse_move action: draw_clicked_area_in_view_color;
			event mouse_exit action: hide_clicked_area;

		display View_change_shape type: opengl
			light #ambient active: false;
			species cell;
			species dummy transparency:0.9 aspect: aspect4ViewChangeShape ;
			//event, launches the action change_shape if the event mouse_down (ie. the user clicks on the layer event) is triggered
			// The block is executed in the context of the experiment, so we have to ask the simulation to do it. 
			event mouse_down action: change_shape;
			event mouse_move action: draw_clicked_area_in_view_shape;
			event mouse_exit action: hide_clicked_area;

