* Name: Luneray's flu 4
* Author: Patrick Taillandier
* Description: Use of a graph to constraint the movements of people
* Tags: graph, moving, tutorial

model model4

global {
	int nb_people <- 2147;
	int nb_infected_init <- 5;
	float step <- 5 #mn;
	file roads_shapefile <- file("../includes/roads.shp");
	file buildings_shapefile <- file("../includes/buildings.shp");
	geometry shape <- envelope(roads_shapefile);	
	graph road_network;
	int nb_people_infected <- nb_infected_init update: people count (each.is_infected);
	int nb_people_not_infected <- nb_people - nb_infected_init update: nb_people - nb_people_infected;
	float infected_rate update: nb_people_infected/nb_people;
		create road from: roads_shapefile;
		road_network <- as_edge_graph(road);		
		create building from: buildings_shapefile;
		create people number:nb_people {
			location <- any_location_in(one_of(building));				
		ask nb_infected_init among people {
			is_infected <- true;

    reflex end_simulation when: infected_rate = 1.0 {
		do pause;

species people skills:[moving]{		
	float speed <- (2 + rnd(3)) #km/#h;
	bool is_infected <- false;
	point target;
	reflex stay when: target = nil {
		if flip(0.05) {
			target <- any_location_in (one_of(building));
	reflex move when: target != nil{
		do goto target: target on: road_network;
		if (location = target) {
			target <- nil;

	reflex infect when: is_infected{
		ask people at_distance 10 #m {
			if flip(0.05) {
				is_infected <- true;
	aspect circle {
		draw circle(10) color:is_infected ? #red : #green;

species road {
	aspect geom {
		draw shape color: #black;

species building {
	aspect geom {
		draw shape color: #gray;

experiment main type: gui {
	parameter "Nb people infected at init" var: nb_infected_init min: 1 max: 2147;

	output {
		monitor "Infected people rate" value: infected_rate;
		display map {
			species road aspect:geom;
			species building aspect:geom;
			species people aspect:circle;			
		display chart_display refresh: every(10 #cycles) {
			chart "Disease spreading" type: series {
				data "susceptible" value: nb_people_not_infected color: #green;
				data "infected" value: nb_people_infected color: #red;