* Name: Cellular Automaton Based Urban Growth
* Author: Truong Chi Quang, Patrick Taillandier, Benoit Gaudou & Alexis Drogoul
* Description: model based on the one proposed by (Raimbault et al., 2014):
* At each simulation step the nb_plots_to_build empty plots with the highest constructability are built
* The constructability is computed from 3 criteria: the density of construction in the neighborhood, the distance to a road, the distance to the city center (using the road network).
* Tags: gis, shapefile, grid, graph
model raster3
//File for the ascii grid
file asc_grid <- grid_file("../includes/cantho_1999_v6.asc");
//Shapefile for the road
file road_shapefile <- shape_file("../includes/roads15_3.shp");
//Shapefile for the city
file city_center_shapefile <- shape_file("../includes/city center.shp");
//Shape of the environment
geometry shape <- envelope(asc_grid);
//Graph of the roads
graph roads_network;
// Dynamic list of the cells to consider at each cycle
list empty_plots <- plot where (each.grid_value = 0.0) update: shuffle(plot where (each.grid_value = 0.0));
list plot_colors <- [
#lightgray, //empty
#orange, // 1 built
#blue // 2 River-lake
//Radius of density
int density_radius <- 4;
//Weight of density
float weight_density <- 0.05;
//Weight of the road distance
float weight_road_dist <- 0.5;
//Weight of the city center distance
float weight_cc_dist <- 0.3;
//Number of plot allowing to build a building
int nb_plots_to_build <- 195;
//Creation of the roads using the shapefile of the road
create roads from: road_shapefile;
//Creation of the city center using the city center shapefile
create city_center from: city_center_shapefile;
//Creation of the graph of the road network
roads_network <- as_edge_graph(roads);
//Each road has to compute its distance from the city center
ask roads {
do compute_cc_dist;
//Compute the city distance for each plot
ask empty_plots {
do compute_distances;
//Normalization of the distance
do normalize_distances;
//Action to normalize the distance
action normalize_distances {
//Maximum distance from the road of all the plots
float max_road_dist <- empty_plots max_of each.dist_route;
//Maximum distance from the city center for all the plots
float max_cc_dist <- empty_plots max_of each.dist_cv;
//Normalization of each empty plot according to the maximal value of each attribute
ask empty_plots {
dist_cv <- 1 - dist_cv / max_cc_dist;
dist_route <- 1 - dist_route / max_road_dist;
//Reflex representing the global dynamic of the model
reflex dynamique_globale when: weight_density != 0 or weight_road_dist != 0 or weight_cc_dist != 0 {
//Ask to each empty plot to compute its constructability
ask empty_plots {
constructability <- compute_constructability();
list ordered_plots <- empty_plots sort_by (each.constructability);
ordered_plots <- nb_plots_to_build last ordered_plots;
//Build on each empty plot having the highest constructability
ask ordered_plots
do build;
//Species representing the city center
species city_center {
aspect default {
draw circle(300) color: #cyan;
//Species representing the roads
species roads
float dist_cv;
//Action to compute the city center distance for the road
action compute_cc_dist {
using topology(roads_network)
dist_cv <- self distance_to first(city_center);
aspect default {
draw shape color: #black;
//Grid species to represent the different building plots
grid plot file: asc_grid use_individual_shapes: false use_regular_agents: false neighbors: 4
rgb color <- grid_value = -1 ? #white : plot_colors[int(grid_value)];
//Distance from the road
float dist_route <- 0.0;
//Distance from the city center
float dist_cv <- 0.0;
//Constructability of the plot
float constructability;
//Action to compute all the distances for the cell
action compute_distances
roads route_pp <- roads closest_to self;
dist_route <- (self distance_to route_pp) using topology(world);
dist_cv <- dist_route + route_pp.dist_cv;
//Action to build on the cell
action build
grid_value <- 1.0;
color <- plot_colors[1];
//Action to compute the constructability of the plot cell
float compute_constructability
//Get all the neighbours plots
list voisins <- (self neighbors_at density_radius);
//Compute the density of all the neighbours plots
float densite <- (voisins count (each.grid_value = 1.0)) / length(voisins);
return (densite * weight_density + dist_route * weight_road_dist + dist_cv * weight_cc_dist) / (weight_density + weight_road_dist + weight_cc_dist);
experiment raster type: gui {
parameter "Weight of the density criteria" var: weight_density;
parameter "Weight of the distance to roads criteria" var: weight_road_dist;
parameter "Weight of the distance to city center criteria" var: weight_cc_dist;
output {
display map type: opengl {
grid plot;
species roads;
species city_center;