* Name: Soccer game (Various strategies)
* Author: Julien
* Description: This model shows a game between two teams, with the same of with different strategies :
* * The "stupidTeam" has a very basic strategy : when a player has the ball, he runs to the ennemy goal, he runs to the ball otherwise.
* * The "intelligentTeam" is composed of players that each one have a strategical place wich they are able to keep. They also do pass when
* they are in dangerous position, to the "safer" player.
* This model is designed to show how, with the same set of rules and some predefined actions, we can build a strategy of a team. You are free to change
* the imported files "team1_strategy.gaml" and "team2_strategy.gaml", using the read-only and the read-write attributes of the mother species.
* Tags: sport, inheritence
model soccerexpe
// import the 2 strategies
import "Team1 Strategy.gaml"
import "Team2 Strategy.gaml"
global {
// set the size of the environment
geometry shape <- rectangle(90#m,120#m);
bool show_info <- false;
rgb back_color_team <- #blue;
rgb front_color_team <- #red;
species info_player1 mirrors:player_intelligentTeam {
// mirror species that shows additionnal information about the player
point location <- target.location update:target.location;
string status <- target.status update:target.status;
float speed <- target.speed update:target.speed;
geometry influence_area <- target.influence_area update:target.influence_area;
aspect info {
if (show_info) {
draw status color:#black;
draw influence_area color:rgb(200,200,255,0) border:rgb(200,200,255,255);
species info_player2 mirrors:player_stupidTeam {
// mirror species that shows additionnal information about the player
point location <- target.location update:target.location;
string status <- target.status update:target.status;
float speed <- target.speed update:target.speed;
geometry influence_area <- target.influence_area update:target.influence_area;
aspect info {
if (show_info) {
draw status color:#black;
draw influence_area color:rgb(255,200,200,0) border:rgb(255,200,200,255);
experiment intelligentTeam_vs_stupidTeam type:gui {
init {
// instantialization of the game (contains global information about the game)
create soccer_game with:(back_color_team::back_color_team,front_color_team::front_color_team) returns:soccerGame;
// instantialization of the teams
create intelligentTeam with:(game:first(soccerGame),position:"back");
create stupidTeam with:(game:first(soccerGame),position:"front");
add first(intelligentTeam) to:first(soccerGame).teams;
add first(stupidTeam) to:first(soccerGame).teams;
// create players of the team1
list player_list1;
loop pos over:first(intelligentTeam).player_init_position {
// compute the "real position" of each player according to the percentage given in "player_init_position"
point real_pos <- (first(intelligentTeam).position = "back") ? {90-pos.x/100*90,pos.y/100*60} : {pos.x/100*90,120-pos.y/100*60};
create player_intelligentTeam with:(team:first(intelligentTeam),game:first(intelligentTeam).game,location:real_pos,init_pos_in_percent:pos) returns:pl;
add first(pl) to:player_list1;
first(intelligentTeam).players <- player_list1;
// create players of the team2
list player_list2;
loop pos over:first(stupidTeam).player_init_position {
// compute the "real position" of each player according to the percentage given in "player_init_position"
point real_pos <- (first(stupidTeam).position = "back") ? {90-pos.x/100*90,pos.y/100*60} : {pos.x/100*90,120-pos.y/100*60};
create player_stupidTeam with:(team:first(stupidTeam),game:first(stupidTeam).game,location:real_pos,init_pos_in_percent:pos) returns:pl;
add first(pl) to:player_list2;
first(stupidTeam).players <- player_list2;
first(soccerGame).players <- player_list1+player_list2;
parameter "show player info" var:show_info;
output {
display "soccer_field" {
// display the field.
image "../images/soccer_field2.png";
// display the species with their correct aspect
species player_intelligentTeam aspect:player;
species player_stupidTeam aspect:player;
species ball_sp aspect:ball;
species goal_sp aspect:goal;
species goal_keeper aspect:goal_keeper;
species info_player1 aspect:info;
species info_player2 aspect:info;
experiment intelligentTeam_vs_intelligentTeam type:gui {
init {
// instantialization of the game (contains global information about the game)
create soccer_game with:(back_color_team::back_color_team,front_color_team::front_color_team) returns:soccerGame;
// instantialization of the teams
create intelligentTeam with:(game:first(soccerGame),position:"back") returns:backTeam;
create intelligentTeam with:(game:first(soccerGame),position:"front") returns:frontTeam;
add first(backTeam) to:first(soccerGame).teams;
add first(frontTeam) to:first(soccerGame).teams;
// create players of the team1
list player_list1;
loop pos over:first(backTeam).player_init_position {
// compute the "real position" of each player according to the percentage given in "player_init_position"
point real_pos <- (first(backTeam).position = "back") ? {90-pos.x/100*90,pos.y/100*60} : {pos.x/100*90,120-pos.y/100*60};
create player_intelligentTeam with:(team:first(backTeam),game:first(backTeam).game,location:real_pos,init_pos_in_percent:pos) returns:pl;
add first(pl) to:player_list1;
first(backTeam).players <- player_list1;
// create players of the team2
list player_list2;
loop pos over:first(frontTeam).player_init_position {
// compute the "real position" of each player according to the percentage given in "player_init_position"
point real_pos <- (first(frontTeam).position = "back") ? {90-pos.x/100*90,pos.y/100*60} : {pos.x/100*90,120-pos.y/100*60};
create player_intelligentTeam with:(team:first(frontTeam),game:first(frontTeam).game,location:real_pos,init_pos_in_percent:pos) returns:pl;
add first(pl) to:player_list2;
first(frontTeam).players <- player_list2;
first(soccerGame).players <- player_list1+player_list2;
parameter "show player info" var:show_info;
output {
display "soccer_field" {
// display the field.
image "../images/soccer_field2.png";
// display the species with their correct aspect
species player_intelligentTeam aspect:player;
species ball_sp aspect:ball;
species goal_sp aspect:goal;
species goal_keeper aspect:goal_keeper;
species info_player1 aspect:info;
species info_player2 aspect:info;