model segregation_base
global {
//Different colors for the group
rgb color_1 <- rgb ("yellow") parameter: "Color of group 1:" category: "User interface";
rgb color_2 <- rgb ("red") parameter: "Color of group 2:" category: "User interface";
rgb color_3 <- rgb ("blue") parameter: "Color of group 3:" category: "User interface";
rgb color_4 <- rgb ("orange") parameter: "Color of group 4:" category: "User interface";
rgb color_5 <- rgb ("green") parameter: "Color of group 5:" category: "User interface";
rgb color_6 <- rgb ("pink") parameter: "Color of group 6:" category: "User interface";
rgb color_7 <- rgb ("magenta") parameter: "Color of group 7:" category: "User interface";
rgb color_8 <- rgb ("cyan") parameter: "Color of group 8:" category: "User interface";
list colors <- [color_1, color_2, color_3, color_4, color_5, color_6, color_7, color_8] of: rgb;
//Number of groups
int number_of_groups <- 2 max: 8 parameter: "Number of groups:" category: "Population";
//Density of the people
float density_of_people <- 0.7 parameter: "Density of people:" category: "Population" min: 0.01 max: 0.99;
//Percentage of similar wanted for segregation
float percent_similar_wanted <- 0.5 min: float (0) max: float (1) parameter: "Desired percentage of similarity:" category: "Population";
//Dimension of the grid
int dimensions <- 40 max: 400 min: 10 parameter: "Width and height of the environment:" category: "Environment";
//Neighbours distance for the perception of the agents
int neighbours_distance <- 2 max: 10 min: 1 parameter: "Distance of perception:" category: "Population";
//Number of people agents
int number_of_people <- 0;
//Number of happy people
int sum_happy_people <- 0 update: all_people count (each.is_happy);
//Number of similar neighbours
int sum_similar_neighbours <- 0 update: sum (all_people collect each.similar_nearby);
//Number of neighbours
int sum_total_neighbours <- 1 update: sum (all_people collect each.total_nearby) min: 1;
//List of all the places
list all_places;
//List of all the people
list all_people;
//Action to write the description of the model in the console
action description {
"\\n\\u25B6 Description. \\n\\u25B6 Thomas Schelling model of residential segregation is a classic study of the effects of local decisions on global dynamics. Agents with mild preferences for same-type neighbors, but without preferences for segregated neighborhoods, can wind up producing complete segregation.\\n\\u25B6 In this model, agents populate a grid with a given *density*. They are in two different states : happy when the percentage of same-color neighbours is above their *desired percentage of similarity*; unhappy otherwise. In the latter case, they change their location randomly until they find a neighbourhood that fits their desire. \\n\\u25B6 In addition to the previous parameter, one can adjust the *distance of perception* (i.e. the distance at which they consider other agents as neighbours) of the agents to see how it affects the global process. ";
//Initialization of the model
init {
//Write the description of the model
do description;
//Initialization of the places
do initialize_places;
//Computation of the number of people according to the density of people
number_of_people <- int( length (all_places) * density_of_people);
//Initialization of the people
do initialize_people;
//Action to initialize places defined in the subclasses
action initialize_places virtual: true;
//Action to initialize people in the subclasses
action initialize_people virtual: true;
//Species base representing the people agents
species base {
rgb color;
//List of all the neighbours agents
list my_neighbours;
//computation of the similar neighbours
int similar_nearby ->
(my_neighbours count (each.color = color))
//Computation of the total neighbours nearby
int total_nearby ->
length (my_neighbours)
//Boolean to know if the agent is happy or not
bool is_happy -> similar_nearby >= (percent_similar_wanted * total_nearby ) ;