* Name: Comodel of Predator Prey and the SugarScape
* Author: HUYNH Quang Nghi
* Description: Co-model example : The Predator Prey and SugarScape are mixed into a common environment.
* Tags: comodel
model prey_sugarscaptor
import "Adapters/Predator Prey Adapter.gaml" as Preydator
import "Adapters/Sugarscape Adapter.gaml" as Sugar
geometry shape <- square(200);
int grid_size_Preydator<-2;
int grid_size_Sugar<-4;
list offset_Preydator <- [{ 0, 0 }, { 0, 100 }, { 100, 0 }, { 100, 100 }];
list offset_Sugar <- [
{ 0, 0 }, { 0, 50 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 150 },
{ 50, 0 }, { 50, 50 }, { 50, 100 }, { 50, 150 },
{ 100, 0 }, { 100, 50 }, { 100, 100 }, { 100, 150 },
{ 150, 0 }, { 150, 50 }, { 150, 100 }, { 150, 150 }
list micro_models_Preydator<-[];
list micro_models_Sugar<-[];
int i <- -1;
create Preydator.Adapter2 number: grid_size_Preydator*grid_size_Preydator
centroid <- myself.offset_Preydator[i];
do transform_environment;
i <- -1;
create Sugar.Adapter number: grid_size_Sugar*grid_size_Sugar with:[shape::envelope(100)]
centroid <- myself.offset_Sugar[i];
do transform_environment;
micro_models_Preydator<- Preydator.Adapter2 collect each.simulation;
micro_models_Sugar<- Sugar.Adapter collect each.simulation;
reflex ss{
ask micro_models_Sugar
do _step_;
list veg_cells;
list sug_cells;
list all_preys;
list all_animals;
reflex update {
veg_cells <- Preydator.Adapter2 accumulate each.simulation.vegetation_cell;
sug_cells <- Sugar.Adapter accumulate each.simulation.sugar_cell;
all_preys <- Preydator.Adapter2 accumulate each.simulation.prey;
all_animals <- Sugar.Adapter accumulate each.simulation.animal;
grid G width: grid_size_Preydator height: grid_size_Preydator
reflex a
ask micro_models_Preydator[int(self)]
do _step_;
experiment main type: gui
display "Co-display"
grid G border: # red transparency:0.2;
agents "vegetation_cell" value: veg_cells ;
agents "sugar_cell" value: sug_cells transparency:0.7;
agents "prey" value: all_preys aspect:base;
agents "animal" value: all_animals;