* Name: Circle
* Author:
* Description: This model shows the movement of cells trying to do a circle shape with themselves
* considering the other cells. The second experiment shows a bigger circle using more cell agents.
* Tags: skill
model circle_model
global {
//Number of agents to create
int number_of_agents min: 1 <- 50 ;
//Radius of the circle that the cells will make
int radius_of_circle min: 10 <- 1000 ;
//Repulsion strength of one cell to the others
int repulsion_strength min: 1 <- 5 ;
//Size of the environment
int width_and_height_of_environment min: 10 <- 3000 ;
//Range of the agents
int range_of_agents min: 1 <- 25 ;
//Speed of the agents
float speed_of_agents min: 0.1 <- 2.0 ;
//Size of the agents
int size_of_agents <- 100;
//Center of the considered circle created by the cells
point center const: true <- {width_and_height_of_environment/2,width_and_height_of_environment/2};
geometry shape <- square(width_and_height_of_environment);
init {
//Creation of the cell agents
create cell number: number_of_agents;
//Species cell which represents the cell agents, using the skill moving
species cell skills: [moving] {
//Color of the cell, randomly chosen
rgb color const: true <- [100 + rnd (155),100 + rnd (155), 100 + rnd (155)] as rgb;
//Size of the cell
float size const: true <- float(size_of_agents);
//Range of the cell
float range const: true <- float(range_of_agents);
//Speed of the cell
float speed const: true <- speed_of_agents;
//Heading of the cell, the direction it 'watches'
float heading <- rnd(360.0);
//Reflex to make the cell agent fo to the center, calling the derivated action move
reflex go_to_center {
heading <- (((self distance_to center) > radius_of_circle) ? self towards center : (self towards center) - 180);
do move speed: speed;
//Reflex to flee of the other cells agents, which will help to design the circle shape
reflex flee_others {
cell close <- one_of ( ( (self neighbors_at range) of_species cell) sort_by (self distance_to each) );
if close != nil {
heading <- (self towards close) - 180;
float dist <- self distance_to close;
do move speed: dist / repulsion_strength heading: heading;
aspect default {
draw circle(size) color: color;
experiment main type: gui {
parameter "Size of Agents" var: size_of_agents <- 100;
parameter 'Number of Agents' var: number_of_agents <- 300;
parameter 'Radius of Circle' var: radius_of_circle min: 10 <- 15000;
parameter 'Strength of Repulsion' var: repulsion_strength min: 1 <- 50;
parameter 'Dimensions' var: width_and_height_of_environment min: 10 <- 40000;
parameter 'Range of Agents' var: range_of_agents min: 1 <- 250;
parameter 'Speed of Agents' var: speed_of_agents min: 0.1 <- 100.0 ;
output {
display Circle {
species cell;