Falling Objects

Path_GUI_Application_Models: Plugin models/Physics Engine/models/Hello World.gaml
Path_Eclipse_Gama_Github: simtools.gaml.extensions.physics/models/Physics%20Engine/models/Hello%20World.gaml

* Name: Falling Objects
* Author: Arnaud Grignard - Alexis Drogoul
* Description: This is a very simple model that shows how the physics engine works. The model inherits from 'physical_world' and ball agents use the 
* skill 'physics'. The ball agents fall on a floor, giggle a bit, exchange colors, and fall from the floor to the void. The user can click on any of them to give it some impulse
* Tags: physics_engine, skill, spatial_computation, 3d

model FallingHelloWorld

global parent: physical_world {
	bool use_native <- true;
	float restitution <- 0.8; // the "bounciness" of the world
	float friction <- 0.2; // the deceleration it imposes on other objects
	int environment_size <- 500; 
	int max_substeps <-0;
	float step <- 0.006; 
	geometry shape <- box(environment_size,environment_size,10);
	init {
		//If the world is to be considered as a physical object in the world, it must register itself
		do register([self]);
		create ball number: 100;

species ball skills: [dynamic_body] {
	float radius <- float(rnd(25) + 1);
	geometry shape <- flip(0.3) ? cube(radius) : (flip(0.5) ? sphere(radius) : cone3D(radius, radius));
	point location <- {rnd(environment_size), rnd(environment_size), rnd(environment_size)};
	rgb color <- #grey;
	float restitution <- 0.7;
	float mass <- 1.0;
	float damping <- 0.1;
	float angular_damping <- 0.3;
	float friction <- 0.2;

	// A callback method when a contact is made with another agent. Here, we simply take its color
	action contact_added_with (agent other) {
		if (other is ball) {
			shape <- shape * 1.01;	
			color <- rnd_color(255);		
			do update_body;

	reflex manage_location when: location.z < -20 {
		do die;

	aspect default {
		draw shape color: color rotate: rotation;
		// We can also draw the bounding box of the agent in the physical world
//	draw aabb color: #black wireframe: true;


experiment Display type: gui {
	output {	
		display Falling  type: opengl background:rgb(128,128,128) axes:false{
			graphics World refresh: false{
				 draw shape color: #white;
			event "mouse_down" {
				ball target <- ball with_min_of(each distance_to #user_location);
				ask target {
					do apply impulse: {rnd(10)-5,rnd(10)-5,50}; // vertical, with some random side moves
		    species ball;			
