 *  continuous curves
 *  Author: Tri and Nghi
 *  Description: 
 * This model illustrates different displays for a Lotka-Volterra model. ABMs usually only require a discrete 
 * visualization of the results (one value per cycle). EBMs compute a continuous solution, and thus require
 * a continuous display. The syntax is shown below.
 * Phase portraits are very common in mathematics, and can be displayed with the 'type: xy' facet.
model Displays

global {	
	init {
		create LV_model with: [x::2.0, y::2.0];

species LV_model { 
	float t;
	float x;
	float y;
	float h <- 0.1;
	float alpha <- 0.8;
	float beta <- 0.3;
	float gamma <- 0.2;
	float delta <- 0.85;
	equation eqLV {
		diff(x, t) = x * (alpha - beta * y);
		diff(y, t) = -y * (delta - gamma * x);

	reflex solving {
		solve eqLV method: #rk4 step_size: h;

experiment Displays type: gui {
	float minimum_cycle_duration <- 0.1#s;
	output {
		layout #split tabs: false;
		display D1 toolbar: false{
			chart 'Time series' type: series background: rgb(47,47,47) color: #white y_label:"pop" x_tick_line_visible: false{
				data "x" value: first(LV_model).x color: rgb(52,152,219);
				data "y" value: first(LV_model).y color: rgb(41,128,185);
		display D2 toolbar: false{
			chart 'Time series - continuous display' type: series background:  rgb(47,47,47) color: #white y_label:"pop" x_tick_line_visible: false{
		//	chart 'Time series - continuous display' type: series x_serie: first(LV_model).t[] background: #white y_label:"pop"{
				data "x" value: first(LV_model).x[] color: rgb(52,152,219) marker: false;
				data "y" value: first(LV_model).y[] color: rgb(41,128,185) marker: false;
		display D3 name: "Phase Portrait " toolbar: false{
			chart 'Phase Portrait' type: xy background:  rgb(47,47,47) color: #white x_label: "x" y_label:"y"{
				// Continuous display requires to pass a list of two values x and y
				data "y(x(t))" value: [first(LV_model).x,first(LV_model).y] color: rgb(243,156,18);
		display D4 name: "Phase Portrait - continuous display" toolbar: false{
			chart 'Phase Portrait - continuous display' type: xy background:  rgb(47,47,47) color: #white x_label: "x" y_label:"y"{
				// Continuous display requires to pass a list of two values x and y
				data "y(x(t))" value: rows_list(matrix(first(LV_model).x[],first(LV_model).y[])) color: rgb(243,156,18) marker: false;

