* Name: Graph Operators
* Author: Patrick Taillandier
* Description: Model to show how to use the different existing operators for the graph species
* Tags: Graph
model graphoperators
global {
graph the_graph;
list cliques;
map ec;
init {
create people number: 50;
//creation of the graph: all vertices that are at distance <= 20 are connected
the_graph <- as_distance_graph(people, 20);
//compute the betweenness_centrality of each vertice
map bc <- map(betweenness_centrality(the_graph));
int max_centrality <- max(bc.values);
int min_centrality <- min(bc.values);
ask people {
centrality <- (bc[self] - min_centrality) / (max_centrality - min_centrality);
centrality_color <- rgb(255, int(255 * (1 - centrality)), int(255 * (1 - centrality)));
//compute the edge_betweenness of each edge
ec <- map(edge_betweenness(the_graph));
write "mean vertice degree: " + mean(the_graph.vertices collect (the_graph degree_of each));
write "nb_cycles: " + nb_cycles(the_graph);
write "alpha_index: " + alpha_index(the_graph);
write "beta_index: " + beta_index(the_graph);
write "gamma_index: " + gamma_index(the_graph);
write "connectivity_index: " + connectivity_index(the_graph);
write "connected_components_of: " + length(connected_components_of(the_graph));
write "maximal_cliques_of:" + (maximal_cliques_of(the_graph) collect (length(each)));
write "biggest_cliques_of:" + (biggest_cliques_of(the_graph) collect (length(each)));
species people {
float centrality;
rgb centrality_color;
aspect centrality{
draw circle(1) color: centrality_color;
experiment graphoperators type: gui {
output {
display map background:#lightgray{
graphics "edges" {
loop edge over: the_graph.edges {
draw edge + (0.1+ec[edge]/500) color: #yellow border: #black;
species people aspect: centrality;