* Name:  Shortest Path Computation on a Graph
* Author:  Patrick Taillandier
* Description: Model to show how to use the optimizer methods to compute the shortest path for the agents placed on a network with all of them 
*	having the same goal location. It also shows how to save these paths computed into a text file.
* Tags: graph, agent_movement, skill, shortest_path, algorithm

model Network

global {
	file shape_file_in <- file('../includes/gis/roads.shp') ;
	graph the_graph; 
	geometry shape <- envelope(shape_file_in);
	bool save_shortest_paths <- false;
	bool load_shortest_paths <- false;
	string shortest_paths_file <- "../includes/shortest_paths.csv";
	bool memorize_shortest_paths <- true;
	/*11 shortest path algorithms can be used for the shortest path computation:
	 *    - Dijkstra: ensure to find the best shortest path - compute one shortest path at a time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm
	 * 	  - BidirectionalDijkstra: default one - ensure to find the best shortest path - compute one shortest path at a time: https://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucahmto/math/2020/05/30/bidirectional-dijkstra.html
	 *    - BellmannFord: ensure to find the best shortest path - compute one shortest path at a time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellman-Ford_algorithm
	 * 	  - AStar: ensure to find the best shortest path if for any edge, the weight of the edge is greater than or equal to the distance between the source and the target of the edge. - compute one shortest path at a time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm
	 *    - NBAStar: ensure to find the best shortest path if for any edge, the weight of the edge is greater than or equal to the distance between the source and the target of the edge.- compute one shortest path at a time: http://repub.eur.nl/pub/16100/ei2009-10.pdf
	 *    - NBAStarApprox: does not ensure to find the best shortest path - compute one shortest path at a time: http://repub.eur.nl/pub/16100/ei2009-10.pdf
	 *    - FloydWarshall: ensure to find the best shortest path - compute all the shortest paths at the same time (and keep them in memory): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd-Warshall_algorithm
	 * 	  - BellmannFord: ensure to find the best shortest path - compute one shortest path at a time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellman-Ford_algorithm
	 *    - DeltaStepping: ensure to find the best shortest path - compute one shortest path at a time: The delta-stepping algorithm is described in the paper: U. Meyer, P. Sanders, $\Delta$-stepping:  a parallelizable shortest path algorithm, Journal of Algorithms, Volume 49, Issue 1, 2003, Pages 114-152, ISSN 0196-6774
	 *    - CHBidirectionalDijkstra: ensure to find the best shortest path - compute one shortest path at a time. Based on precomputations (first call of the algorithm). Implementation of the hierarchical query algorithm based on the bidirectional Dijkstra search. The query algorithm is originally described the article: Robert Geisberger, Peter Sanders, Dominik Schultes, and Daniel Delling. 2008. Contraction hierarchies: faster and simpler hierarchical routing in road networks. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Experimental algorithms (WEA'08), Catherine C. McGeoch (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 319-333
	 *    - TransitNodeRouting: ensure to find the best shortest path - compute one shortest path at a time. Based on precomputations (first call of the algorithm). The algorithm is designed to operate on sparse graphs with low average outdegree. the algorithm is originally described the article: Arz, Julian & Luxen, Dennis & Sanders, Peter. (2013). Transit Node Routing Reconsidered. 7933. 10.1007/978-3-642-38527-8_7.
	string shortest_path_algo <- #BidirectionalDijkstra among: [#NBAStar, #NBAStarApprox, #Dijkstra, #AStar, #BellmannFord, #FloydWarshall, #BidirectionalDijkstra, #CHBidirectionalDijkstra, #TransitNodeRouting];
	int nb_people <- 100;
	init {    
		create road from: shape_file_in ;
		the_graph <- as_edge_graph(list(road));
		//allows to choose the type of algorithm to use compute the shortest paths
		the_graph <- the_graph with_shortest_path_algorithm shortest_path_algo;
		//allows to define if the shortest paths computed should be memorized (in a cache) or not
		the_graph <- the_graph use_cache memorize_shortest_paths;
		//computes all the shortest paths, puts them in a matrix, then saves the matrix in a file
		if save_shortest_paths {
			matrix ssp <- all_pairs_shortest_path(the_graph);
			save ssp type:"text" to:shortest_paths_file;
		//loads the file of the shortest paths as a matrix and uses it to initialize all the shortest paths of the graph
		} else if load_shortest_paths {
			the_graph <- the_graph load_shortest_paths matrix(file(shortest_paths_file));
		create goal number: 1 {
			location <- any_location_in (one_of(road));
		create people number: nb_people {
			target <- one_of (goal) ;
			location <- any_location_in (one_of(road));

species road  {
	float speed_coef ;
	aspect default {
		draw shape color: #black ;
species goal {
	aspect default {
		draw circle(50) color: #red;
species people skills: [moving] {
	goal target;
	path my_path; 
	aspect default {
		draw circle(50) color: #green;
	reflex movement {
		do goto on:the_graph target:target speed:1.0;

experiment goto_network type: gui {
	parameter "Shortest path algorithm" var: shortest_path_algo ;
	parameter "Number of people" var: nb_people min: 1 max: 10000;
	parameter "Computed all the shortest paths and save the results" var: save_shortest_paths;
	parameter "Load the shortest paths from the file" var: load_shortest_paths;
	output {
		display objects_display {
			species road aspect: default ;
			species people aspect: default ;
			species goal aspect: default ;