* Name: Simple syntax demonstration of Comodeling
* Author: HUYNH Quang Nghi
* Description: This is a simple comodel serve to demonstrate the importation and instatiation of micro-model without using the couplings
* Tags: comodel
model simple_comodeling_example
import "Adapters/Flies Adapter.gaml" as Flies
import "Adapters/Mosquitos Adapter.gaml" as Mosquitos
//micro_model must be instantiated by create statement. We create an experiment inside the micro-model and the simulation will be created implicitly (1 experiment have only 1 simulation).
create Flies.Simple number: 2;
create Mosquitos.Generic;
reflex simulate_micro_models
//tell the first experiment of micro_model_1 do 1 step;
ask first(Flies.Simple).simulation
do _step_;
//tell all experiments of micro_model_1 do 1 step;
ask (Flies.Simple collect each.simulation)
do _step_;
//tell all experiments of micro_model_2 do 1 step;
ask (Mosquitos.Generic collect each.simulation)
do _step_;
//ask simulation of micro_model to kill all agents every 100 cycles and recreate them
if(cycle mod 100 = 0){
ask (Mosquitos.Generic collect each.simulation){
ask Mosquito{
do die;
ask (Mosquitos.Generic collect each.simulation){
do _init_;
experiment main type: gui