* Name: prey predator
* Author: HUYNH Quang Nghi
* Description: This is a simple comodel serve to demonstrate the mixing behaviors of preyPredator with the Ants. Ants are the prey, fleeing from Predators, when they are not chasing, they try to do job of the ants.
* Tags: comodel
model prey_predator

	geometry shape <- square(100);
	float perceipt_radius <- 20.0;
	int preyinit <- 500;
	int predatorinit <- 3;
	list lstPredator;// <- list (predator);
	list lstPrey; //<- list (prey);
		create prey number: preyinit;
		create predator number: predatorinit;
		lstPredator <- list (predator);
		lstPrey <- list (prey);


species generic_species skills: [moving]
	float speed <- 1.0;
	point goal;
	bool is_chased <- false;
	reflex live_with_my_goal
		if (goal != nil)
			do wander speed: speed;
			do goto target: goal speed: speed;
		} else
			do wander speed: speed;



species prey parent: generic_species
	geometry shape <- circle(0.5);
	float speed <- 0.2;
	rgb color <- # green;
	reflex fleeing
		if (length((lstPredator where (each != nil and !dead(each) and each distance_to self < perceipt_radius))) > 0)
			speed <- 1.0;
			is_chased <- true;
			color <- # lime;
			if (goal = nil)
				agent a <- any(((lstPrey where (each != nil and !dead(each) and !generic_species(each).is_chased))));
				if (a != nil and !dead(a))
					if (flip(0.5))
						goal <- a.location;
					} else
						goal <- any_location_in(world.shape);

				} else
					goal <- any_location_in(world.shape);



		if (goal != nil and self.location distance_to goal < 0.5)
			goal <- nil;

		if (length((lstPredator where (each != nil and !dead(each))) where (each distance_to self <= perceipt_radius)) = 0)
			is_chased <- false;
			color <- # green;
			speed <- 0.2;


	aspect default
		draw shape color: color;


species predator parent: generic_species
	geometry shape <- triangle(2);
	rgb color <- # red;
	reflex hunting
		if (goal = nil)
			list tmp <- (lstPrey where (!dead(each) and each.shape distance_to self.shape < perceipt_radius));
			if (length(tmp) > 0)
				agent a <- first(tmp sort (each.shape distance_to self.shape));
				if (a = nil)
					a <- any((lstPrey where (!dead(each))));

				if (a != nil)
					speed <- 2.0;
					goal <- a.location;


		} else if ((self.location distance_to goal < 0.5))
			ask lstPrey where (!dead(each) and each.location distance_to goal < 0.5)
				do die;

			goal <- nil;
			speed <- 1.0;


	aspect default
		draw circle(perceipt_radius) color: # pink wireframe: true;
		draw shape color: color rotate: 90 + my heading;


experiment "Prey Predator Exp" type: gui
		display main_display
			species prey;
			species predator;

