// GAMA 1.8 Preferences saved on 2018-08-03T10:54:14.609
model preferences
experiment 'Display Preferences' type: gui {
init {
//Append the name of simulations to their outputs
write sample(gama.pref_append_simulation_name);
//Display grid lines
write sample(gama.pref_chart_display_gridlines);
//Monitor memory and emit a warning if it is low
write sample(gama.pref_check_memory);
//Max. number of characters to keep when paused (-1 = unlimited)
write sample(gama.pref_console_buffer);
//Max. number of characters to display (-1 = unlimited)
write sample(gama.pref_console_size);
//Wrap long lines (can slow down output)
write sample(gama.pref_console_wrap);
//Custom date pattern (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.html#patterns)
write sample(gama.pref_date_custom_formatter);
//Default date pattern for writing dates (i.e. string(date1))
write sample(gama.pref_date_default_formatter);
//Default starting date of models
write sample(gama.pref_date_starting_date);
//Default time step of models
write sample(gama.pref_date_time_step);
//Apply antialiasing
write sample(gama.pref_display_antialias);
//Default background color ('background' facet of 'display')
write sample(gama.pref_display_background_color);
//Continue to draw displays when in Modeling perspective
write sample(gama.pref_display_continue_drawing);
//Default rendering method (Java2D for 2D, OpenGL for 3D)
write sample(gama.pref_display_default);
//Default color of agents
write sample(gama.pref_display_default_color);
//Default font to use in 'draw'
write sample(gama.pref_display_default_font);
//Defaut shape of agents
write sample(gama.pref_display_default_shape);
//Default size of agents
write sample(gama.pref_display_default_size);
//Enable fast snapshots (uncomplete when the display is obscured by others but much faster)
write sample(gama.pref_display_fast_snapshot);
//Display 'flat' histograms
write sample(gama.pref_display_flat_charts);
//Default highlight color
write sample(gama.pref_display_highlight_color);
//Default line width (facet 'width' of 'draw')
write sample(gama.pref_display_line_width);
//Max. number of frames per second
write sample(gama.pref_display_max_fps);
//Keep values in memory (to save them as CSV)
write sample(gama.pref_display_memorize_charts);
//Disable acceleration for Java2D (necessary on some configurations)
write sample(gama.pref_display_no_java2d_acceleration);
//Forces textures dimensions to a power of 2 (e.g. 16x16. Necessary on some configurations)
write sample(gama.pref_display_power_of_2);
//Display a border around display views
write sample(gama.pref_display_show_border);
//Show errors thrown in displays and outputs
write sample(gama.pref_display_show_errors);
//Show the display bottom overlay
write sample(gama.pref_display_show_overlay);
//Draw 3D axes
write sample(gama.pref_display_show_referential);
//Draw rotation axes
write sample(gama.pref_display_show_rotation);
//Show the display top toolbar
write sample(gama.pref_display_show_toolbar);
//Number of slices of circular geometries
write sample(gama.pref_display_slice_number);
//Synchronize outputs with the simulation
write sample(gama.pref_display_synchronized);
//Default layout of display views
write sample(gama.pref_display_view_layout);
//Only display visible agents (faster, may create visual oddities)
write sample(gama.pref_display_visible_agents);
//Set the zoom factor (0 for slow, 1 fast)
write sample(gama.pref_display_zoom_factor);
//Text color of errors
write sample(gama.pref_error_text_color);
//Show execution errors
write sample(gama.pref_errors_display);
//Number of errors to display
write sample(gama.pref_errors_number);
//Display most recent first
write sample(gama.pref_errors_recent_first);
//Stop simulation at first error
write sample(gama.pref_errors_stop);
//Treat warnings as errors
write sample(gama.pref_errors_warnings_errors);
//Ask to close the previous experiment when launching a new one
write sample(gama.pref_experiment_ask_closing);
//Auto-run experiments when they are launched
write sample(gama.pref_experiment_auto_run);
//Only display (in the UI and in headless runs) failed and aborted tests
write sample(gama.pref_failed_tests);
//Let GAMA decide which CRS to use to project GIS data
write sample(gama.pref_gis_auto_crs);
//...or use the following CRS (EPSG code)
write sample(gama.pref_gis_default_crs);
//...or use the following CRS (EPSG code)
write sample(gama.pref_gis_initial_crs);
//... or use this following CRS (EPSG code)
write sample(gama.pref_gis_output_crs);
//When no .prj file or CRS is supplied, consider GIS data to be already projected in this CRS
write sample(gama.pref_gis_same_crs);
//When no CRS is provided, save the GIS data with the current CRS
write sample(gama.pref_gis_save_crs);
//Connection timeout (in ms)
write sample(gama.pref_http_connect_timeout);
//Empty the local cache of files downloaded from the web
write sample(gama.pref_http_empty_cache);
//Read timeout (in ms)
write sample(gama.pref_http_read_timeout);
//Number of times to retry if connection cannot be established
write sample(gama.pref_http_retry_number);
//If true, when running out of memory, GAMA will try to close the experiment, otherwise it exits
write sample(gama.pref_memory_action);
//Interval (in seconds) at which memory should be monitored
write sample(gama.pref_memory_frequency);
//Trigger warnings when the percentage of available memory is below
write sample(gama.pref_memory_threshold);
//Optimize the 'at_distance' operator
write sample(gama.pref_optimize_at_distance);
//Optimize constant expressions (experimental)
write sample(gama.pref_optimize_constant_expressions);
//Optimize the path computation operators and goto action (but with possible 'jump' issues)
write sample(gama.pref_optimize_path_computation);
//Optimize spatial queries: add agents only when necessary in the quadtree (still experimental)
write sample(gama.pref_optimize_quadtree);
//Make grids schedule their agents in parallel
write sample(gama.pref_parallel_grids);
//Make experiments run simulations in parallel
write sample(gama.pref_parallel_simulations);
//Make species schedule their agents in parallel
write sample(gama.pref_parallel_species);
//Max. number of threads to use (available processors: 8)
write sample(gama.pref_parallel_threads);
//Number under which agents are executed sequentially
write sample(gama.pref_parallel_threshold);
//Tolerance for the comparison of points
write sample(gama.pref_point_tolerance);
//Default seed value (0 is undefined)
write sample(gama.pref_rng_default_seed);
//Define a default seed
write sample(gama.pref_rng_define_seed);
//Include in the parameters
write sample(gama.pref_rng_in_parameters);
//Default random number generator
write sample(gama.pref_rng_name);
//Color of Simulation 0 in the UI (console, view tabs)
write sample(gama.pref_simulation_color_0);
//Color of Simulation 1 in the UI (console, view tabs)
write sample(gama.pref_simulation_color_1);
//Color of Simulation 2 in the UI (console, view tabs)
write sample(gama.pref_simulation_color_2);
//Color of Simulation 3 in the UI (console, view tabs)
write sample(gama.pref_simulation_color_3);
//Color of Simulation 4 in the UI (console, view tabs)
write sample(gama.pref_simulation_color_4);
//Text color of warnings
write sample(gama.pref_warning_text_color);
experiment 'Set Preferences' type: gui {
init {
//Append the name of simulations to their outputs
gama.pref_append_simulation_name <- false;
//Display grid lines
gama.pref_chart_display_gridlines <- true;
//Monitor memory and emit a warning if it is low
gama.pref_check_memory <- true;
//Max. number of characters to keep when paused (-1 = unlimited)
gama.pref_console_buffer <- 20000;
//Max. number of characters to display (-1 = unlimited)
gama.pref_console_size <- 20000;
//Wrap long lines (can slow down output)
gama.pref_console_wrap <- false;
//Custom date pattern (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.html#patterns)
gama.pref_date_custom_formatter <- 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss';
//Default date pattern for writing dates (i.e. string(date1))
gama.pref_date_default_formatter <- 'CUSTOM';
//Default starting date of models
gama.pref_date_starting_date <- date ('1970-01-01 07:00:00');
//Default time step of models
gama.pref_date_time_step <- 1.0;
//Apply antialiasing
gama.pref_display_antialias <- false;
//Default background color ('background' facet of 'display')
gama.pref_display_background_color <- °white;
//Continue to draw displays when in Modeling perspective
gama.pref_display_continue_drawing <- false;
//Default rendering method (Java2D for 2D, OpenGL for 3D)
gama.pref_display_default <- 'Java2D';
//Default color of agents
gama.pref_display_default_color <- °yellow;
//Default font to use in 'draw'
gama.pref_display_default_font <- font('Helvetica',12.0,#plain);
//Defaut shape of agents
gama.pref_display_default_shape <- 'shape';
//Default size of agents
gama.pref_display_default_size <- 1.0;
//Enable fast snapshots (uncomplete when the display is obscured by others but much faster)
gama.pref_display_fast_snapshot <- false;
//Display 'flat' histograms
gama.pref_display_flat_charts <- false;
//Default highlight color
gama.pref_display_highlight_color <- rgb (0, 200, 200,255);
//Default line width (facet 'width' of 'draw')
gama.pref_display_line_width <- 1.2;
//Max. number of frames per second
gama.pref_display_max_fps <- 20;
//Keep values in memory (to save them as CSV)
gama.pref_display_memorize_charts <- true;
//Disable acceleration for Java2D (necessary on some configurations)
gama.pref_display_no_java2d_acceleration <- false;
//Forces textures dimensions to a power of 2 (e.g. 16x16. Necessary on some configurations)
gama.pref_display_power_of_2 <- false;
//Display a border around display views
gama.pref_display_show_border <- false;
//Show errors thrown in displays and outputs
gama.pref_display_show_errors <- false;
//Show the display bottom overlay
gama.pref_display_show_overlay <- false;
//Draw 3D axes
gama.pref_display_show_referential <- true;
//Draw rotation axes
gama.pref_display_show_rotation <- true;
//Show the display top toolbar
gama.pref_display_show_toolbar <- true;
//Number of slices of circular geometries
gama.pref_display_slice_number <- 16;
//Synchronize outputs with the simulation
gama.pref_display_synchronized <- false;
//Default layout of display views
gama.pref_display_view_layout <- 'None';
//Only display visible agents (faster, may create visual oddities)
gama.pref_display_visible_agents <- false;
//Set the zoom factor (0 for slow, 1 fast)
gama.pref_display_zoom_factor <- 0.5;
//Text color of errors
gama.pref_error_text_color <- rgb (210, 155, 156,255);
//Show execution errors
gama.pref_errors_display <- true;
//Number of errors to display
gama.pref_errors_number <- 10;
//Display most recent first
gama.pref_errors_recent_first <- true;
//Stop simulation at first error
gama.pref_errors_stop <- true;
//Treat warnings as errors
gama.pref_errors_warnings_errors <- false;
//Ask to close the previous experiment when launching a new one
gama.pref_experiment_ask_closing <- true;
//Auto-run experiments when they are launched
gama.pref_experiment_auto_run <- false;
//Only display (in the UI and in headless runs) failed and aborted tests
gama.pref_failed_tests <- false;
//Let GAMA decide which CRS to use to project GIS data
gama.pref_gis_auto_crs <- true;
//...or use the following CRS (EPSG code)
gama.pref_gis_default_crs <- 32648;
//...or use the following CRS (EPSG code)
gama.pref_gis_initial_crs <- 4326;
//... or use this following CRS (EPSG code)
gama.pref_gis_output_crs <- 4326;
//When no .prj file or CRS is supplied, consider GIS data to be already projected in this CRS
gama.pref_gis_same_crs <- true;
//When no CRS is provided, save the GIS data with the current CRS
gama.pref_gis_save_crs <- true;
//Connection timeout (in ms)
gama.pref_http_connect_timeout <- 20000;
//Empty the local cache of files downloaded from the web
gama.pref_http_empty_cache <- false;
//Read timeout (in ms)
gama.pref_http_read_timeout <- 20000;
//Number of times to retry if connection cannot be established
gama.pref_http_retry_number <- 3;
//If true, when running out of memory, GAMA will try to close the experiment, otherwise it exits
gama.pref_memory_action <- true;
//Interval (in seconds) at which memory should be monitored
gama.pref_memory_frequency <- 2;
//Trigger warnings when the percentage of available memory is below
gama.pref_memory_threshold <- 20;
//Optimize the 'at_distance' operator
gama.pref_optimize_at_distance <- true;
//Optimize constant expressions (experimental)
gama.pref_optimize_constant_expressions <- false;
//Optimize the path computation operators and goto action (but with possible 'jump' issues)
gama.pref_optimize_path_computation <- false;
//Optimize spatial queries: add agents only when necessary in the quadtree (still experimental)
gama.pref_optimize_quadtree <- false;
//Make grids schedule their agents in parallel
gama.pref_parallel_grids <- false;
//Make experiments run simulations in parallel
gama.pref_parallel_simulations <- true;
//Make species schedule their agents in parallel
gama.pref_parallel_species <- false;
//Max. number of threads to use (available processors: 8)
gama.pref_parallel_threads <- 4;
//Number under which agents are executed sequentially
gama.pref_parallel_threshold <- 20;
//Tolerance for the comparison of points
gama.pref_point_tolerance <- 0.0;
//Default seed value (0 is undefined)
gama.pref_rng_default_seed <- 1.0;
//Define a default seed
gama.pref_rng_define_seed <- false;
//Include in the parameters
gama.pref_rng_in_parameters <- false;
//Default random number generator
gama.pref_rng_name <- 'mersenne';
//Color of Simulation 0 in the UI (console, view tabs)
gama.pref_simulation_color_0 <- rgb (74, 97, 144,255);
//Color of Simulation 1 in the UI (console, view tabs)
gama.pref_simulation_color_1 <- rgb (66, 119, 42,255);
//Color of Simulation 2 in the UI (console, view tabs)
gama.pref_simulation_color_2 <- rgb (83, 95, 107,255);
//Color of Simulation 3 in the UI (console, view tabs)
gama.pref_simulation_color_3 <- rgb (195, 98, 43,255);
//Color of Simulation 4 in the UI (console, view tabs)
gama.pref_simulation_color_4 <- rgb (150, 132, 106,255);
//Text color of warnings
gama.pref_warning_text_color <- rgb (255, 201, 162,255);