* Name: Errors
* Author: Alexis Drogoul
* Description: A model that demonstrates basic features of error throwing / error handling in GAML
* Tags: gaml, syntax, error
model Errors

 * In this experiment, a warning is raised by the model itself and should not interrupt the flow of execution
experiment "Raise a normal warning"
		// To be sure, the global preference to consider warnings as errors is set to false
		gama.pref_errors_warnings_errors <- false;
		warn "This warning is reported but does not interrupt the execution";


experiment "Raise a warning (turned to an error)"
		// If the global preference is set to consider warnings as errors, this will stop execution
		gama.pref_errors_warnings_errors <- true;
		warn "This warning is now considered as an error";


 * In this experiment, an error is raised by the model itself and should interrupt the flow of execution
experiment "Raise an error"
		error "This error is generated by the model itself";

 * In this experiment, an error is raised by the model itself but it is caught and displayed in the console without being reported and stopping the execution. #current_error is a constant representing the text of the latest error thrown
experiment "Raise and catch an error"
		try {
			error "This error is generated by the model itself";
		} catch {
			write # current_error + " but is not reported";


* In this experiment, an error is provoked by making a division by zero but it is caught and displayed in the console without being reported and stopping the execution
experiment "Provoke and catch an error"
		try {
			float error <- 1 / 0;
		} catch {
			write "A " + # current_error + " is caught";



* In this experiment, an error is provoked by making a division by zero but the use of 'try' makes it silent (i.e. no 'catch' block) 
experiment "Provoke a silent error"
		try {
			float error <- 1 / 0;