* Name: Advanced mirror
* Author: Kevin Chapuis and Benoit Gaudou
* Description: This model goes further in the use of mirror species,
* in particular by illustrating creation and death of mirrored agents during the simulation.
* In particular, the mirrored agents move, and interact with their neighbor agents
* following a opinion dynamics model. The model is very close to Deffuant et al. JASSS.
* In addition the mirror agents are displayed in a so-called social space of opinion:
* they are displayed vertically, depending on their opinion value.
* Tags: mirror, display, opinion dynamics
model Mirror
global {
point up_display_threeD <- {0,0,20};
float threshold <- 0.4;
float convergence_speed <- 0.4;
bool with_respawn <- false;
int nb_agent <- 20;
init {
create A number:1;
// At the creation of an agent A, a mirror agent B will also be created.
reflex create_agents when: length(A) < nb_agent{
create A number: 2;
// Similarly when an agent A is killed, the corresponding mirror agent is killed
// (this is done only at the end of the simulation step).
reflex update_population when: (length(A) >= nb_agent) and with_respawn {
ask one_of(A) {do die;}
create A;
species A skills:[moving]{
float opinion <- rnd(1.0);
reflex move {
do wander;
reflex opinion_influence {
A neighbor <- (A - self) with_min_of (each distance_to self);
if (neighbor != nil) and ((abs(neighbor.opinion - opinion)) < threshold) {
// x = x + u* (x - x')
float temp <- opinion;
opinion <- opinion + convergence_speed * (neighbor.opinion - opinion);
neighbor.opinion <- neighbor.opinion + convergence_speed * (temp - neighbor.opinion);
aspect base{
draw circle(1) color: rgb(255*opinion,255,0) border: #black;
// Only the mirror agents for which the target is not dead will be scheluded.
species B mirrors: A schedules: B where(!dead(each.target)){
aspect base {
if(!dead(target)) {
draw sphere(2) at: {-10, 100 * target.opinion, 10} color: rgb(255*target.opinion,255,0) ;
experiment mirroExp type: gui {
parameter "Create new agents" var: with_respawn;
parameter "Macimum number of agents" var: nb_agent;
output {
display superposedView type: opengl{
species A aspect: base ;
species B aspect: base ;
graphics g {
font f <- font("Arial", 15, #bold);
draw "Opinion" at: {-8, -5, 10} color: #black anchor: #top_center font: f;
draw "0.0" at: {-17, 0, 10} color: #black font: f;
draw "1.0" at: {-17, 100, 10} color: #black font: f;