* Name: randomscheduler
* Author: damienphilippon
* Description: To randomize the way agents of a same species are executed, it is possible to use the operator shuffle in the schedules facet. In this case, agents
will write their number, but they are executed in a random way
* Tags: scheduling, execution, random
model randomscheduler
/* Insert your model definition here */
int cpt <- 0;
create no_scheduler number:10
write "To randomize the way agents of a same species are executed, it is possible to use the operator shuffle in the schedules facet. In this case, agents
will write their number, but they are executed in a random way";
reflex write_new_step
write "NEW STEP";
species no_scheduler schedules:shuffle(no_scheduler)
int nb_generated;
reflex sayHello
write "hello, i'm "+nb_generated;
experiment "Schedule" type:gui