* Name: Units and constants
* Author: Benoit Gaudou
* Description: The model illustrates all the possible constants (including units) existing in GAML.
* Tags: unit, constant
model UnitsAndConstants
global {
init {
// Constants related to errors
do constant_current_err;
write "";
// Mathematical classical constants
do constant_math;
write "";
// Classical unit constants
do length_surface_time_units;
write "";
// Time constants
do time_units;
// The experiment allows to illustrate all the constant related to graphical aspects.
// #current_error contains the last error that have been thrown during the current execution.
action constant_current_err {
write "Constant related to system state (e.g. the last thrown error)";
write "=============================================================";
try {
float error <- 1 / 0;
} catch {
write "A " + #current_error + " is caught";
write "";
// Constants include the main mathematical constants (such as pi, e ...)
action constant_math {
write "Mathematical constants (#e, #pi, #max_float ...)";
write "=================================================";
// #e constant is characterized by the relation ln(#e) = 1
write sample(ln(#e));
// Constants include the min and max numbers for integers and floats
// #max_int (resp. #min_int) are the minimum (resp. maximum) possible values for integer variables.
// As a consequence, #max_int + 1 is out of the possible values of integers, and thus returns the maximum negative value.
write sample(int(#max_int));
write sample(int(#max_int) + 1);
write sample(int(#min_int));
write sample(int(#min_int) - 1);
// #max_float is the maximum float value, whereas #min_float is the minimum *positive* value.
write sample(#max_float);
write sample(#min_float);
// #infinity (and #nan) contains the positivie infinity value: so most of the computations involving #infinity return #infinity
write sample(#infinity * 3);
write sample(#infinity / - 7);
// Only few computations involving #infinity do not return #infinity
write sample(#infinity / #infinity);
write sample(0 / #infinity);
// #to_deg and #to_rad can be used to convert angle value between radius to degree: 2 * pi rad = 360 degrees.
write sample(2 * #pi * #to_deg);
write sample(180 * #to_rad);
// GAML provides many units. The basic units are meter, kilogram, m2, m3 and second.
// All the other units are converted to the corresponding basic one.
action length_surface_time_units {
write "Units-related constants (meter, m2, m3, kg and second)";
write "=================================================";
write " *** The basic units are: ***";
write sample(1#m) + "(#m, for length)"; // can also be written #meter, #meters
write sample(1#m2) + "(#m2, for surface)";
write sample(1#m3) + "(#m3, for volume)";
write sample(1#kg) + "(#kg, for weight)"; // can also be written #kilo, #kilogram, #kilos
write sample(1#s) + "(#s, for time)"; // can also be written #sec, #second, #seconds,
write " *** Metrics length units: ***";
write sample(1#km) + " (#m)"; // can also be written #kilometer, #kilometers
write sample(1#dm) + " (#m)"; // can also be written #decimeter, #decimeters
write sample(1#cm) + " (#m)"; // can also be written #centimeter, #centimeters
write sample(1#mm) + " (#m)"; // can also be written #milimeter, #milimeters
write sample(1#micrometer) + "#m"; // can also be written #micrometers
// GAMA also provides non-metrics units such as foot, inch, mile and yard.
write " *** Non-Metrics length units: ***";
write sample(1#ft) + " (#m)"; // can also be written #foot, #feet
write sample(1#inch) + " (#m)"; // can also be written #inches
write sample(1#mile) + " (#m)"; // can also be written #miles
write sample(1#yard) + " (#m)"; // can also be written #yards
//Surface units
write " *** Surface units: ***";
write sample(1#sqft) + " (#m2)"; // can also be written #square_foot, #square_feet
write sample(1#sqin) + " (#m2)"; // can also be written #square_inch, #square_inches
write sample(1#sqmi) + " (#m2)";
// Volume units
write " *** Volume units: ***";
write sample(1#cl) + " (#m3)"; // can also be written #centiliter, #centiliters
write sample(1#dl) + " (#m3)"; // can also be written #deciliter, #deciliters
write sample(1#hl) + " (#m3)"; // can also be written #hectoliter, #hectoliters
write sample(1#l) + " (#m3)"; // can also be written #liter, #liters, #dm3
//Weight units
write " *** Weight units: ***";
write sample(1#gram) + " (#kg)"; // can also be written #gram
write sample(1#ton) + " (#kg)"; // can also be written #tons
write sample(1#lton) + " (#kg)"; // can also be written #longton
write sample(1#ounce) + " (#kg)"; // can also be written #oz, #ounces
write sample(1#pound) + " (#kg)"; // can also be written #lb,#pounds,#lbm
write sample(1#shortton) + " (#kg)"; // can also be written #ston
write sample(1#stone) + " (#kg)"; // can also be written #st
//Time units
write " *** Time units: ***";
write sample(1#ms) + " (#s)"; // can also be written #millisecond, #milliseconds, #msec
write sample(1#mn) + " (#s)"; // can also be written #minute, #minutes
write sample(1#h) + " (#s)"; // can also be written #hour, #hours
write sample(1#day) + " (#s)"; // can also be written #days
write sample(1#week) + " (#s)"; // can also be written #weeks
// Time not correct units (in the sense that they are ambiguous concept in terms of duration)
write "1 #month :-" + #month + " (#s - NOTE: this is the duration of 30 days. This is an ambiguous duration in natural language.)"; // can also be written #months
write "1 #year :-" + #year + "(#s - NOTE: this is the duration of 365 days. This is an ambiguous duration in natural language.)"; // can also be written #years, #y
action time_units {
write "Time-related constants ";
write "=================================================";
write " *** Additional constants related to time: ***";
write sample(#now) + " is the current date.";
write sample(#cycle) + " corresponds to 1 cycle";
write "This constant is used to force a temporal expression to be expressed in terms of cycles rather than seconds";
write sample(#custom) + " : is the custom date/time defined in the preferences of GAMA.";
write sample(#epoch) + " : is the default starting date (defined by the ISO format (1970-01-01T00:00Z)).";
write "The 3 following constants can be used as output/parsingformat for local dates ("+#iso_local+"), dates with a time offset ("+#iso_offset+") ";
write "and dates with time zone ("+#iso_zoned+").";
action move {}
// Constants include many graphical constants (that can be used only in displays or to define some graphical objects such as font ...).
// In addition to the previous units, GAML provides a direct access to the 147 named colors defined in CSS (see http://www.cssportal.com/css3-color-names/).
// E.g, #teal, #aliceblue, antiquewhite .... (Model menu in GAMA lists all of them).
experiment exp {
// #bold, #italic and #plan can be used to defin the font style (#bbold and #italic can be combined).
font my_font_bold <- font("Helvetica", 16, #bold);
font my_font_italic <- font("Arial", 16, #italic);
font my_font_bold_italic <- font("SansSerif", 16, #bold + #italic);
font my_font_plain <- font("Helvetica", 16, #plain);
// Anchor constants are used to locate text to display in a text area.
map anchors <- ["center"::#center, "top_left"::#top_left, "left_center"::#left_center, "bottom_left"::#bottom_left,
"bottom_center"::#bottom_center, "bottom_right"::#bottom_right, "right_center"::#right_center, "top_right"::#top_right,
output {
// GAML provides several ways to split the various displays (at the launch of the simulation).
// Each of them can be set using the one of the following constants:
// #horizontal, #vertical, #stack, #split (displays split in a grid-like structure) or #none (no split).
layout #split;
display "Strings OpenGL" type: opengl {
graphics Strings {
draw world.shape wireframe: true color: #black;
int y <- 7;
// The loop displays for each anchor an associated text
loop p over: anchors.pairs {
draw circle(0.5) at: {50, y} color: #red;
draw p.key at: {50, y} anchor: p.value color: #black font: my_font_bold_italic;
y <- y + 7;
// These anchors can also been defined at hand using a point
draw circle(0.5) at: {50, y} color: #red;
draw "custom {0.6, 0.1}" at: {50, y} anchor: {0.6, 0.1} color: #black font: my_font_italic;
display "Strings Java2D" type: opengl {
// #pixels (or #px) corresponds to the value of one pixel, depending on the display, zoom...
// So pixel is used to define the dimension of an overlay in order to keep it size constant.
overlay position: { 0, 0 } size: { 300 #pixels, 130 #px } background: #grey transparency: 0.2 border: #black rounded: true {
// Constant contain useful information about the way of vizualising the simulation with: the camera location (#camera_location),
// orientation (#camera_orientation) and target (#camera_target).
draw "Camera location: " + string(#camera_location with_precision 3) at:{10#px,20#px,0#px} color: #black font: my_font_plain;
draw "Camera orientation: " + string(#camera_orientation with_precision 3) at:{10#px,40#px,0} color: #black font: my_font_plain;
draw "Zoom level: " + string(#zoom) at:{10#px,60#px,0} color: #black font: my_font_plain;
// #display_height and #display_width contain the size in pixel of the simulation environment.
// It obviously depends on the zoom level.
draw "Display height: " + string(#display_height) at:{10#px,80#px,0} color: #black font: my_font_plain;
draw "Display width: " + string(#display_width) at:{10#px,100#px,0} color: #black font: my_font_plain;
// We can access location of the mouse in the display using #mouse_location.
graphics circle_mouse {
// We can also access the #zoom level: we can thus display a visual element depending on the zoom level, to keep visible some
// elements even when we zoom out.
// We display a sphere at the location of the mouse (with a size depending on the zoom).
draw sphere(1.0 /#zoom) color: #green at: #user_location;
draw " " +string(#user_location with_precision 3) at: #user_location color: #black ;
// We can also visualize the target point of the camera.
// NOTE : the camera related constant use the Y convention of OpenGL and are thus the opposite of the GAMA Y coordinates.
draw sphere(1.0) at: {(#camera_target).x,-(#camera_target).y,(#camera_target).z} color: #aliceblue ;
draw " " +string(#camera_target with_precision 3)
at:{(#camera_target).x,-(#camera_target).y,(#camera_target).z} color: #black ;//anchor: #bottom_center;
// A buffer extends a line as a geometry. This buffer can be set #square, #round or #flat
// Note that #flat and #square are both a buffer with a square shape, but the flat stop the rectangle at the limit of the line.
draw line([#user_location + {1,0,0}, #user_location - {1,0,0}]) buffer(0.5,0.5,#flat) at:#user_location color: #black ;
draw line([#user_location + {0,1,0}, #user_location - {0,1,0}]) buffer(0.5,0.5,#square) at:#user_location color: #black ;
draw line([#user_location + {1,0,0}, #user_location - {1,0,0}]) at:#user_location color: #red ;
draw line([#user_location + {0,1,0}, #user_location - {0,1,0}]) at:#user_location color: #red ;
event mouse_move action: move;