* Name: statetransition
* Author: kevinchapuis
* Description: simple finite state machine example to show how make a transition to one state to another
* Tags: fsm, state, transition
model statetransition
global {
int number_of_dummy parameter:true init:10;
init {
create dummy number:number_of_dummy;
* Finite State Machine control makes it possible to define several possible state of the agent. Each state is associated
* to behavior and attribute define in the model that can lead to transition between states.
* statement enter : set of instructions to be executed before entering a state
* statement transition : [to: the state to transition to] [when: the condition to trigger the transition]
* statement exit : set of instructions to be executed after leaving a state
* WARNING: this is not a knowledgeable model - the purpose is to explictly state the syntax
species dummy skills:[moving] control:fsm {
float speed <- 10#m/#s;
int scope <- 1;
int score;
dummy match;
rgb color <- #orange;
* The definition of the state called 'in_seach' which is the initial state of agent:
* when created (at the beginning of the simulation), agent will be granted this state
state in_search initial: true {
* Code to be executed each step when the agent is in this state
do wander;
match <- (dummy-self) first_with (each distance_to self < scope);
scope <- scope + 1;
* Transition to 'settle_down' when a match have been found
transition to:settle_down when:not(match=nil) {
color <- #blue;
* The definition of the state called 'settle_down'
state settle_down {
do goto target: match;
score <- score - 1;
* The set of instructions to be execute ONCE when agent enter this state
enter {
scope <- 1;
* Transition to 'break_up' state when the match agent respond positively to self agent call
transition to:break_up when:match.hello(self){
color <- #green;
* Transition to 'in_seach' when score is under or equal to 0
transition to:in_search when:score <= 0 { color <- #orange;}
* The definition of the state 'break_up'
state break_up {
score <- score + 1;
* triggered once when entering this state
enter {
score <- score * int(score/10);
* Transition to the state 'in_search' when my score is higher the my match score
transition to:in_search when:score > match.score;
* Set of instructions to be executed ONCE when leaving the state
exit {
score <- (dummy with_min_of each.score).score;
color <- #orange;
bool hello(dummy paire){
return score = paire.score ? flip(0.5) : score < paire.score;
aspect default {
draw triangle(score) color:color;
draw circle(scope) color:rgb(color,0.2);
experiment dummy_xp {
output {
display friendship {
species dummy;