* Name: FIPA Contract Net
* Author:
* Description: This model demonstrates a use-case of the FIPA Contract Net interaction protocol. 
* One initiator sends a 'cfp' message to other participants. 
* All participants reply with a 'refuse' messages which end the interaction protocol.
* Tags: fipa

model cfp_cfp_1

global {
	int nbOfParticipants <- 5;
	init {
		create initiator;
		create participant number: nbOfParticipants;

		write 'Please step the simulation to observe the outcome in the console';

species initiator skills: [fipa] { 
	reflex send_cfp_to_participants when: (time = 1) {
		write '(Time ' + time + '): ' + name + ' sends a cfp message to all participants';
		do start_conversation to: list(participant) protocol: 'fipa-contract-net' performative: 'cfp' contents: ['Go swimming'];
	reflex receive_refuse_messages when: !empty(refuses) {
		write '(Time ' + time + '): ' + name + ' receives refuse messages';
		loop r over: refuses {
			write '\t' + name + ' receives a refuse message from ' + r.sender + ' with content ' + r.contents ;

species participant skills: [fipa] {
	reflex receive_cfp_from_initiator when: !empty(cfps) {
		message proposalFromInitiator <- cfps[0];
		write '(Time ' + time + '): ' + name + ' receives a cfp message from ' + agent(proposalFromInitiator.sender).name + ' and replies with a refuse message';
		do refuse message: proposalFromInitiator contents: ['I am busy today'] ;

experiment test type: gui { }