* Name: Blend color in a cuve
* Author: Julien Mazars
* Description: This model is used to show how we can diffuse several variables in the same grid. At the cycle 0, 3 different pheromons are emited in 3 of the 4 corners of the cuve 
*     (each one associated to a color). Thanks to the diffusion mechanism, all the 3 colors will blend each other. The process is accelerated by using the facet "cycle_length". 
*     The "avoid_mask" facet is used in order to have a constant sum of pheromon. 
* Tags: diffusion, matrix, math, color, elevation

model cycle_length

global {
	int size <- 64; // better to have a pow of 2 for the size of the grid
	int cycle_length <- 5;
  	geometry shape <- envelope(square(size));
  	list top_left_cells;
  	list top_right_cells;
  	list bot_left_cells;
  	// Declare the uniform matrix
  	matrix mat_diff <- matrix([

	// Initialize the emiter cells
	init {
		top_left_cells <- list(cells where (each.grid_x < location.x
			and each.grid_x > cycle_length
			and each.grid_y < location.y
			and each.grid_y > cycle_length
		top_right_cells <- list(cells where (each.grid_x < size-cycle_length
			and each.grid_x > location.x
			and each.grid_y < location.y
			and each.grid_y > cycle_length
		bot_left_cells <- list(cells where (each.grid_x < location.x
			and each.grid_x > cycle_length
			and each.grid_y < size-cycle_length
			and each.grid_y > location.y
	reflex init_value when:cycle=0 {
			phero1 <- 1.0;
			phero2 <- 1.0;
			phero3 <- 1.0;

	reflex diff {
		// Declare a diffusion on the grid "cells" for each one of the pheromons. 
		// In order to not loosing phero value, we apply a hand made mask (with the operator "where") and we turn the "avoid_mask" facet to true.
		list cells_where_diffuse <- cells where (each.grid_x < size-cycle_length and each.grid_x > cycle_length and each.grid_y < size-cycle_length and each.grid_y > cycle_length);
		diffuse var: phero1 on: cells_where_diffuse matrix: mat_diff avoid_mask: true method:dot_product cycle_length:cycle_length;
		diffuse var: phero2 on: cells_where_diffuse matrix: mat_diff avoid_mask: true method:dot_product cycle_length:cycle_length;
		diffuse var: phero3 on: cells_where_diffuse matrix: mat_diff avoid_mask: true method:dot_product cycle_length:cycle_length;

grid cells height: size width: size {
	// "phero1", "phero2", "phero3" are the variables storing the value of the diffusion
	float phero1  <- 0.0;
	float phero2  <- 0.0;
	float phero3  <- 0.0;
	// The color of the cell is construct using the 3 pheromons.
	rgb color <- rgb(phero1*256,phero2*256,phero3*256) update: rgb(phero1*256,phero2*256,phero3*256);

experiment diffusion type: gui {
	output {
		display a type: opengl {
			// Display the grid with elevation
			grid cells elevation: (phero1+phero2+phero3)*10 triangulation: true;