* Name: Anisotropic diffusion (Toroidal)
* Author: Benoit Gaudou
* Description: This model is used to show how to construct an anisotropic diffusion through a grid. The cell at the center of the grid emit a pheromon at each step, which is spread 
*     through the grid thanks to the diffusion mechanism, using a particular matrix of diffusion, in a toroidal world.
* Tags: diffusion, matrix, math, elevation

model anisotropic_diffusion_torus

global torus: true {
	int size <- 64; // better to have a pow of 2 for the size of the grid
  	geometry shape <- envelope(square(size) * 10);
  	cells selected_cells;
  	matrix mat_diff <- matrix([
	init {
		selected_cells <- location as cells;
	reflex new_Value {
		ask selected_cells{
			phero <- 1.0;

	reflex diff {
		diffuse var: phero on: cells matrix: mat_diff method:dot_product;	

grid cells height: size width: size  {
	float phero  <- 0.0;
	rgb color <- hsb(phero,1.0,1.0) update: hsb(phero,1.0,1.0);
	float grid_value update: phero * 100;

experiment diffusion type: gui {
	output {
		display a type: opengl {
			grid cells elevation: true triangulation: true;