* Name:  Agents to Database in PostGIS
* Author: Truong Minh Thai, Quang Truong, Thu  Tran
* Description: 
* savetosql: Save data of agent into MySQL.
* Geometry  column in PostGIS is in Multipolygon3D
* * transform= true because you need to transform geometry data from Absolute(GAMA) to Gis
*  NOTE: Geodatabase and tables are created before. Then use the this model to insert data from shapefile
* Geometry  column in PostGIS is in Multipolygon3D 
* Tags: database

model agent2DB_POSTGIS 
global { 
	file districtShp <- file('../../includes/district.shp') ;
	geometry shape <- envelope(districtShp);
	map PARAMS <-  ['srid'::'32846', // 32648 represents for the WGS 84 - Zone 48 Northern.

	init {
		write "This model will work only if the corresponding database is installed" color:#red;
		write "The model \"Create Spatial Table in PostGIS.gaml\" can be run previously to create the database and tables. The model should be modified to create the database spatial_db3d.";
		create district from: districtShp with: [ward_name::string(read ('Ward_name'))];
		write "Click on <> button to save data of agents to DB";
		create DB_Accessor
			do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "DELETE FROM buildings";	
species DB_Accessor skills: [SQLSKILL] ;   

species district {
	string ward_name;
	reflex printdata{
		write " name : " + (name) ;
	reflex savetosql{  // save data into Postgres
		write "begin"+ name;
	    ask (DB_Accessor) {
	    	// Using  ST_Force3D() for converting the geometry data to 3D in the case that the geom in table is in 3D      
			do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "INSERT INTO buildings(name,geom) VALUES('"+myself.ward_name+"',ST_Force3D(ST_Multi(ST_GeomFromText('" + myself.shape +"',32648))))";
	aspect default {
		draw shape color: #gray ;

experiment default_expr type: gui {
	output {
		display GlobalView {
			species district aspect: default;