* Name:  Agents from Database in PostGIS
* Author: Benoit Gaudou
* Description:  This model does SQL query commands and create agents using the results
* Tags: database

model DB2agentPOSTGIS 

global {
	map BOUNDS <- [	//'srid'::'32648', // optinal
								  	'select'::'SELECT ST_AsEWKB(geom) as geom FROM bounds;' ];
	map PARAMS <- [	//'srid'::'32648', // optinal
	string QUERY <- "SELECT type, ST_AsEWKB(geom) as geom FROM buildings;";
	geometry shape <- envelope(BOUNDS);		  	
	init {
		write "This model will work only if the corresponding database is installed and initialized." color:#red;
		write "To this purpose, the following models can run first: ";
		write "     - \"Create Spatial Table in PostGIS.gaml\" to create the database,";		
		write "     - \"Agents to Database in PostGIS.gaml\" to insert data in the database.";
		write "";		
		create DB_accessor {
			create buildings from: select(PARAMS, QUERY)
							 with:[ nature::"type", shape::"geom"];
		 write "Buildings created: "+length(buildings) ;

species DB_accessor skills: [SQLSKILL];

species buildings {
	string nature;
	aspect default {
		draw shape color: #gray ;

experiment DB2agentPOSTGIS type: gui {
	output {
		display fullView type:opengl{
			species buildings aspect: default;