* Name:  CreateBuildingTableMySQL
* Author: Truong Minh Thai
* Description: This model shows how to create a database and a table in MySQL using GAMA
 * Tags: database
model CreateBuildingTableMySQL

	map PARAMS <- ['host'::'localhost', 'dbtype'::'mysql', 'database'::'', 'port'::'8889', 'user'::'root', 'passwd'::'root'];
		write "This model will work only if the corresponding database is installed" color: #red;

		create test_species number: 1;
		ask test_species {
			if (testConnection (PARAMS)) {
				do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS spatial_DB_GAMA";						
				do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "CREATE DATABASE spatial_DB_GAMA";
				write "spatial_BD_GAMA database was created ";
				PARAMS["database"] <- "spatial_DB_GAMA";

				do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "CREATE TABLE bounds" + "( " + " geom GEOMETRY " + ")";
				write "bounds table was created ";
				do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "CREATE TABLE buildings " + "( " + " name VARCHAR(255), " + " type VARCHAR(255), " + " geom GEOMETRY " + ")";
				write "buildings table was created ";
			} else {
				write "Connection to MySQL can not be established ";

species test_species skills: [SQLSKILL]  { }

experiment default_expr type: gui { }