* Name: Simple SQL Command in SQLIte
* Author: Truong Minh Thai
* Description: This model does SQl query commands:
* - Create table
* - Insert data
* - Select data
* - Delete data
* - Drop table
* Note: the file emptyFile.db is only ... an empty file.
* Tags: database
model SQLite_selectNUpdate
global {
map PARAMS <- ['dbtype'::'sqlite', 'database'::'../includes/emptyFile.db'];
init {
write "This model will work only if the corresponding database is installed" color: #red;
create DB_Accessor;
// Test of the connection to the database
if (!first(DB_Accessor).testConnection(PARAMS)) {
write "Connection impossible";
do pause;
ask (DB_Accessor) {
do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS registration";
do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "CREATE TABLE registration" + "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + " first TEXT NOT NULL, " + " last TEXT NOT NULL, " + " age INTEGER);";
write "REGISTRATION table has been created.";
do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "INSERT INTO registration " + "VALUES(100, 'Zara', 'Ali', 18);";
do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "INSERT INTO registration " + "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);" values: [101, 'Mr', 'Mme', 45];
do insert params: PARAMS into: "registration" values: [102, 'Mahnaz', 'Fatma', 25];
do insert params: PARAMS into: "registration" columns: ["id", "first", "last"] values: [103, 'Zaid tim', 'Kha'];
do insert params: PARAMS into: "registration" columns: ["id", "first", "last"] values: [104, 'Bill', 'Clark'];
write "Five records have been inserted.";
write "Click on <> button to view selected data";
species DB_Accessor skills: [SQLSKILL] {
reflex select {
list t <- list (select(PARAMS, "SELECT * FROM registration"));
write "Select before updated " + t;
write " Metadata (column names): " + t[0];
write " Metadata (column types): " + t[1];
write " Data : " + t[2];
reflex update {
do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "UPDATE registration SET age = 30 WHERE id IN (100, 101)";
do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "DELETE FROM registration where id=103 ";
list t <- list (select(PARAMS, "SELECT * FROM registration"));
write "Select after updated " + t;
reflex drop {
do executeUpdate params: PARAMS updateComm: "DROP TABLE registration";
write "Registration table has been dropped." color: #red;
write "Another simulation step will throw an exception as the database is not available anymore." color: #red;
experiment simple_SQL_exp type: gui {}