* Name: PNGIcons
* Author: drogoul
* Description: Shows how to load icons in PNG format and display them, playing with their size and rotation
* Tags: Image, Display
model PNGIcons
// We fist load the folder of icons
file icons <- folder("../includes/icons/");
// And filter the file names that contain "png"
list file_list <- icons select (each contains ("png")) collect (png_file: image_file(icons.path + "/" + png_file));
// We give an arbitrary size to the world
geometry shape <- envelope(200);
// We create a number of people equivalent to the number of icons
create people number: length(file_list) ;
species people skills: [moving]
// Each people is provided with the path of its icon (can be changed dynamically, of course)
image_file icon <- file_list[int(self)];
// 'increment' is used to change the size dynamically
int increment <- 1;
// The size with which the icon will be displayed (w.r.t. to the size of the world). It is incremented or decremented each step
int size <- rnd(int(world.shape.width / 4)) update: size + increment on_change:
if (increment = 1)
// When the size is greater than the half the size of the world, the 'increment' becomes -1
if (size > world.shape.width / 2)
increment <- -1;
} else
// Otherwise if the size is too small, 'increment" becomes 1
if (size < 1)
increment <- 1;
// The default behavior of people is to move around
reflex default
// heading <- heading + 30;
do wander amplitude: 100.0;
// The default aspect will be used when no other aspect is invoked in displays
aspect opengl
// We draw the image corresponding to the path, with a size given by 'size' and we use the heading of the people to rotate it
draw sphere(size/4)
lighted: false
wireframe: false
texture: icon
at: location + {0,0,increment}
color: rgb (251, 217, 113,255);
aspect java2d {
// We draw the image corresponding to the path, with a size given by 'size' and we use the heading of the people to rotate it
draw icon size: size/2 rotate: heading;
experiment Icons
// We slow down the simulation in order to see something !
output synchronized: true
layout #split;
display "Colorful in 3D" type: opengl
// We simply display people, which will use their aspect named opengl
species people aspect: opengl;
display "Colorful in 2D" type: java2D {
// Idem for java2D
species people aspect: java2d;