* Name: importationraster
* Author: Patrick Taillandier
* Description: Shows how to use several grid files to initialize a grid
* Tags: load_file, gis, 3d, dem, tif, asc
model importationraster
global {
//the two grid files that we are going to use to initialize the grid
file dem_file <- file("../includes/mnt.asc");
file land_cover_file <- file("../includes/land-cover.tif");
//we use the dem file to initialize the world environment
geometry shape <- envelope(dem_file);
//map of colors (key: land_use, value: color) just uses to visualize the different land_use
map colors;
init {
//we set the value of the land_use variable by the second (index = 1) value stored in the bands attribute
ask cell {
land_use <- int(bands[1]);
//we define a color per land_use and use it to define the color of the cell
list land_uses <- remove_duplicates(cell collect each.land_use);
colors <- land_uses as_map (each::rnd_color(255));
ask cell {
color <- colors[land_use];
//we define the cell grid from the two grid files: the first file (dem_file) will be used as reference for the definition of the grid number of rows and columns and location
//the value of the files are stored in the bands built-in list attribute: each value of the list corresponds to the value in the file
//the value of the first file is also stored in thr grid_value built-in variable
grid cell files: [dem_file,land_cover_file] {
int land_use;
experiment importationraster type: gui {
output {
display map type: opengl{
grid cell elevation: true triangulation: true refresh: false;